Victor vs Damien:Round 2

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Victor and Damien pull away from each other as they were getting tired from their fight.

Damien:"Are you done yet?"

Victor:"Not until I kill you!"

Damien:"That's the spirit! Maybe you will be my final target! And I will be your first!"

Victor:"Shut. Up."

Victor kicks Damien into a wall and hits him with a flurry of kicks to the stomach.

Victor kicks Damien into a wall and hits him with a flurry of kicks to the stomach

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Damien throws another spear at the bell and stuns Victor again.

Damien:"Don't let a sound stop you! Fight it!"

Victor:(in mind)"I can't do anything until that sound stops!"

Victor stops the bell from ringing and Damien whistles again.

Damien:"Come! To me!"

A pack of robot dogs rush in and Victor was not impressed.

Victor:(scoffs)"Dogs. Couldn't fight me yourself?!"

Damien:"Since you can't seem to kill me,I figured that you'd make a good meal for them!"

Victor:"It's gonna take more than some dogs to stop me!"

Damien:"Go ahead! Crush my bones into powder! Leave my broken body for the maggots and the field mice!"

Victor takes out one robot dog by tearing its mouth open.

Victor:"You want death? Then give up!"

Damien:"I want it to be worthy of me! If I'm gonna die,then I'll die roaring!"

Damien hits Victor with a flashbang and the revenge filled teen groans in anger.

Victor:"I know you're here..."

Damien throws a spear at Victor but he catches it in midair.

Victor:"Do you feel any regret to your actions over the years?! Do you?!"


Victor hits Damien with a left and right punch,then kicks him in the chin. There was blood leaking out of the side of his mouth and wipes it off.

Damien:"All that for a drop of blood? So maybe you were not the one after all."

Julie slowly wakes up and sees the fight in front of her.

Julie:(quietly)"B-Brother...? W-What are you doing...?"

Victor hits Damien with a German suplex and an elbow drop from a platform.

Damien:"You say you want to kill me,and yet you're still holding back."

Victor:"No wonder why Julie,Sandra and I hate you so much. It's because you weren't strong enough!"

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