Hot Trail

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In a secret base,Damien was witnessing the Dark Angels training and there was a lab next to the training facility. He walks over to a small portrait of himself,Julie,Sandra and Victor. He stabs a knife through Victor's face and he closes his eyes and sighs.

Damien:"So many years,I have waited for someone who could push me."

Shadow uses White Hurricane and scores a goal as the ball completely shatters the goal post.

Damien:"Someone who could surprise me."

Kaitlyn does a few laps around the pitch while sprinting.

Damien:"And yet all I found,was disappointment."

Morag walks up to Damien and holds his hand.

Morag:"We found someone who may... bring him here."

Damien:"Show me."

Morag takes Damien to a room,and it shows that Julie is unconscious,bruised and covered in scars.

Damien:"Excellent. Now,we wait for him to come to us."

A small red light beeps at the back of Damien's neck,which resembles a tracking device. Far away,someone in a black hoodie was looking at their phone and frowns. The person pulls off their hood,and it was... Victor?!

Victor:"Tracker says that he's in a base in the Upper West Side sewers. Better check on Julie first and then put an end to this."

Victor activates his wingsuit and glides to the hospital. When he looks through the window,he sees that Julie wasn't on her bed. He clenches his fists in anger.

Victor:(pissed)"If he so much as laid an hand on her...!"

Victor glides over to a manhole and opens the cover.

Victor:"Where are you?"

Meanwhile,Lisa returns and sees that Victor wasn't in the chamber anymore.


Lincoln:"What's wrong?"

Lisa:"Victor's not in the chamber anymore!"


Lisa:"He must've escaped while we were taking a nap!"

Leni:"Then we should like,stop him!"

Luna:"How are we gonna stop him? He won't listen to anything we say!"

Lucy:"We get Sandra."

Lana:"Maybe that could work."

Victor walks through the sewers and looks for the secret base.

Victor:"I would've ended all of this by now,if they hadn't gotten in my way."

Victor sees a lab.

Victor:"They had a lab down here?"

Victor notices a strange material and inspects it.

Victor:"Maybe this material could be the reason how he stabbed me so quickly or how his little soccer team is very strong. I should keep looking."

Victor sees a tape recorder and plays it.

Damien:(tape)"For as long as I can remember,I have always looked for an equal. Someone who could push me. Someone who could surprise me. Someone who could even beat me. But all I found,was disappointment. This person will be my final target."

Victor:"Final target? What does he mean by final target? Does... he want someone to kill him in a fight to the death? If that's true,then I could be his final target."

An energy axe heads for Victor and he dodges it. Then,a big container drops onto him as a certain someone walks in with an evil smile on his face.

Damien:"I was told that this material is unbreakable. But... I believe that anything can be broken."

Victor starts punching the glass and it didn't break. Damien puts a hand on the glass.

Damien:"You still hold back. Maybe you lack... motivation."

Damien whistles and a light turns on behind him. It was a cage and Julie was lying down in pain. Victor witnesses this and starts punching the glass harder and it starts breaking.


Victor starts pushing one of the sides of the container and it starts coming off as he yells in anger,thinking that Damien killed Julie.

Damien:(smirks evily)"There you are..."

Victor breaks the container apart and looks at Damien. The madman steps forward and takes off his jacket to face Victor.

Damien:"Come. Don't hold back!"

Damien runs towards Victor and the two of them clash fists.

Victor:"Your followers treat you like some kind of king! But you're just a dying old man,looking for a way out!"

Damien:"So you know,then? Then you know that I won't die in a sick bed! Only an equal may taste my last breath!"

Damien throws Victor across the room and laughs.

Damien:"Am I too quick for you?"

Victor:"Stronger than I thought!"

Victor kicks Damien in the face hard and the madman smiles.

Damien:"Show me what you're capable of! Stop fucking hiding!"

Victor:"I hope you're enjoying this! Tonight won't end well for you!"

Damien smiles again and whistles. A bell goes off next door,but to Victor,the sound was breaking glass and a little girl screaming. He holds his head in pain and goes over to the source of the bell. He tries to deal with the bell,but the sounds were too much for him.

Damien jumps onto the bell and punches it twice to make Victor suffer more. He jumps off the bell as Victor gets back on his feet. He pulls out a spear and aims it at the bell.

Damien:"Bring it out!"

Damien throws the spear at the bell and Victor starts screaming again.

Damien:"Why do you hide your strength from me?! You call me a dying old man,and yet here I breathe!"

Victor:"Shut up!"(in mind)"That sound...! I can't... use my abilities...!"

Victor makes the bell stop ringing and focuses his attention to Damien. Then,his demon self starts talking.

Demon Victor:"Rip him apart!"

Victor:"I'll tear you limb from limb!"

Damien:"Do it! Or else I'll gut you and mount you on my wall!"

After 5 minutes of fighting,Damien makes a statement.

Damien:"So many years,I've waited for a predator capable of defeating me!"

Victor:"Enough! Talking!"

Damien:"And then,I found you."

Victor:"And you'll regret that!"

Damien:"No,I won't. I will jot let God decide my fate!"

Damien and Victor clash fists again and the screen goes bright.

To be Continued...

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