Dark Changes

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Victor wakes up in his room,and in his vision,he sees fingerprints on his journal.

Victor:"So they touched my journal,huh? When the hell are they gonna leave me alone?"

Victor gets up,puts on a hoodie,and packs up his weapons. Then,he leaves his room to go and kill Damien.

Lincoln:"Hey,where are you going? You're supposed to be in bed."

Victor:"Nowhere you seem to care about."

Lincoln:(to the reader)"What's his deal?"

Victor meets everyone else in the living room.

Sandra:"Victor? Where are you going?"

Victor:"None of your business,Sandra."

Luna:"Dude,why are you always angry?"

Leni:"Yeah,just let us help you."

Nikki:"Your pain and emotions are changing you."

Victor:"My feelings for revenge is the only reason I'm still breathing!"

Lynn:"Yeah,it feels good,doesn't it?"

Victor:(to Lynn;stern)"Why don't you pop some more pills for that leg of yours,and say what you're really feeling?"


Victor:"I'm busting my ass out there,trying to kill that prick,and this is what I get?"

Nikki hides a taser gun behind her back.

Nikki:"I said,don't."

Victor:"I saw your story a while ago. About me doing more harm than good."

Nikki:"I was going to tell you about that-"

Victor:"But you didn't,did you?"

Nikki:"I can't lose my job,even though it's a part time one."

Victor:"Your job is to write the truth."

Nikki:"That's exactly what I did."

Victor:"The truth is,I'm the one who suffers through hell and back everyday. Not you. None of you."

Victor starts walking away,and Sandra follows him.

Sandra:"Victor,stop. Victor! VICTOR!"

Sandra grabs Victor's shoulder and turns him around.

Victor:"What are you-"

Sandra:"I'm not letting you go on some stupid revenge killing spree! Your outmatched by Damien-"

Victor:"I'm what?!"

Sandra:"You're not some killer,Victor! You're my son! What would Julie think of your actions?!"

Victor:"She'd be happy that I'm finally going to extinguish the only problem in this world."

Sandra:"She'd be scared of you!"

Victor:"She'd be healthy and well!"

Sandra:"Stop acting like this!"

Victor:"Or what?! You'll inject me again?!"

Sandra:"If I have to!"

Victor:"Do you even give a shit about me? It sounds like you don't."

Sandra:"I do give a shit about you,damn it!"

Victor:"Then let me kill him."

Sandra:"You think killing him will make you feel better?"

Victor:"Yes. I refuse to let him live after everything he's done to us."

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