Welcome to Jade Mountain Academy!

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At this school, you will be learning side by side with dragons from all the other tribes, so we wanted to give you some basic information that may be useful as you get to know one another.

You have been assigned to a winglet with seven other dragons: The winglet groups are listed bellow.

Thank you for being a part of this school. You are the hope of Pyrrhia's future. You are the dragons who can bring lasting peace to this world.


Jade Winglet

IceWing: Shiver

MudWing: Heron

NightWing: Dreamer

RainWing: Vibrant

SandWing: Venom

SeaWing: Salmon

SkyWing: Charcoal

Hybrid: Vine (Rain-Sea)

Gold Winglet

IceWing: Seal

MudWing: Pond

NightWing: Truthseeker

RainWing: Cocoa

SandWing: Oasis

SeaWing: Kelp

SkyWing: Hawk

Hybrid: Firefly (Rain-Night)

Silver Winglet

IceWing: Glimmer

MudWing: Sepia

NightWing: Visioner

RainWing: Pineapple

SandWing: Scorpion

SeaWing: Tide

SkyWing: Thrush

Hybrid: Deathstalker (Sand-Mud)

Copper Winglet

IceWing: Polar Bear

MudWing: Weed

NightWing: Tailbite

RainWing: Papaya

SandWing: Coyote

SeaWing: Herring

SkyWing: Harrier

Hybrid: Opal (Ice-Night)

Quartz Winglet

IceWing: Snow Fox

MudWing: Bullfrog

NightWing: Star

RainWing: Panther

SandWing: Rattlesnake

SeaWing: Auklet

SkyWing: Scorch

Hybrid: Bloodmoon (Sky-Sea)

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