A Rainy Day

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A/N: This is my first story! And you know, I think Wattpad might kill me cause I'm only 11 and I'm using it, haha. And well, I'm not from some English speaking country, so...there might be some grammar and spelling errors! Please vote and comment! And I didn't draw the picture on the cover, but I did on my profile, using Leonardo.ai. Best wishes! Enjoy!

The thunder roared in the distance, the wind slapped against my face, the rain shot down like thousands of bullets. Today is a rainy day, an awfully big one.

I was walking on the road with my little sister, Lime. It was raining, which I didn't expect when watching the weather forecast. Fortunately, we always put a spare umbrella in our backpacks, so it's not a big excuse. My sister and I were going home from school, but when we were halfway through, something unbelievable happened.

"Sister!" My sister pointed to the front and said she saw a dark figure running that was on the road.

"Don't worry about it, your eyes must be playing games with you." But as we got closer, I found out that my sister was right.

"Now," I grabbed her hand. "Run and don't look back!"

We both sprinted through the rain, on the sidewalk, and away from the figure. I looked back again, but there was nothing. Strange... After that, my sister and I kept our minds back on track, and a few minutes after, we were finally home.

I put my backpack on the chair and gave myself some time to think about the dark figure. Mother once told me that when I see anything in the rain, I'll unlock something in my mind, but I never believed in her. But what if she was right? What if.... The answer came to me when it was dinner. My mother was cooking dinner later, and she told me to help turn on the fire. When I said yes, I felt something spread over my body to the kitchen, and there's fire on the gas stove. Nobody was there, except the fire I made up in my bare hands.

Seriously? I was about to jump up and yell for my mother, then a thought came to my mind. What if I was just in my dreams? I pinched my arm and...okay, definitely not a dream. I rubbed the red mark on my left arm, really shouldn't have pinched so hard.

Could this also be an illusion? Due to my imagination, everything is possible now. But how do I know if it's not an illusion? I thought furiously and finally found a way. I looked all around, keeping a vigilant heart as I took a step forwards to the kitchen. Step by step, step by step...then suddenly, I bumped into something invisible! I screamed but found out I can't open my mouth, most importantly, everything was dark as if all the lights went out. Then a strange hissing voice cut into my mind:

Three days in due, the treasure shall fly.

In the water of a cave, lived an angel that's shy.

Comfort her and leave, immediately to the tree.

Or the evil that lies, would eventually be free.

Everything turned bright red after the chanting, and I felt like I was floating to heaven...

"Naomi! Naomi!" I heard my mom's voice, it sounded terrified.

"Mo...m...?" I blinked and opened my eyes, and I saw my mother's eyes, then she hugged me.

"Oh, dear..." Mother cried, "I was so afraid I couldn't sleep last night! Thank goodness you're OK..."

"I lost consciousness for a day? No wonder I'm so hungry. Do you have any—"

"Oh yes! Just wait a sec, I just knew you would ask..." And she disappeared after the door. Few minutes later, she was back with a tray of food.



"Can I ask you a question or two?"

"Feel free to ask," she said and stuffed her whole tray into my arms. "Eat it up!"

I took a bite and started my strange 'dream' as my mother looked more worried than ever. When I finished the prophecy, mother shot up immediately, "You must go, now." and yelled for my sister.

Before I even knew what was happening, my sister was here and my mom snapped her fingers as I felt being absorbed by some black hole. 

A/N: I'll update every week guys! And if I can't, I'll tell you the week before. Enjoy! Oh, and Lime is my little sister's name. 

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