Chapter 1 part 1~ lucy and tim

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You can listen to birthday cake by Dylan conrique while reading this.


Lucy is a P2 officer who is dating a sentient metro name Tim they have a kid name Ava who is one year old, they are not married yet.

Lucy live in a apartment with a roommate and her baby.

Tim come and stay over there a lot,he do have a house but he doesn't go there anymore.

Before Lucy dated Tim.....

Tim was her T.O and Lucy was his rookie. When they first met they hated each other they was enemies, but one day they noticed that they like each other and started dating.

Lucy is a P2 officer who go under cover but one day she decided that she wanted to be a detective.

Tim was a T.O but then sentient gray decided to move him up to be a sergeant but he decided to stay as a T.O instead.

one day Lucy and Tim need to decide if they what to brake up or one of them moves to a new station, Tim decided he would take a different position in the job just for Lucy but one day Lucy did something and move him to metro.

Couple years later.....

Lucy and Tim been dating for at least 2 years now, they have a kid name Ava angel Bradford who is 2 qyears old , they are not married yet, Tim have not pop the question yet. They have a kid together and a dog together name kojo.

kojo is always at Lucy apartment he have a small little corner with his things in the living room.

Lucy roommate Tamara she have her own bedroom in the apartment, Tamara parents have die and Tamara doesn't have any one so Lucy offered her to stay with her in her apartment.

Beginning of the story....

One morning Lucy and Tim was sleeping, it was 6:00 in the morning Tim timer have gone off it was time for both of them to get up and get ready for work.

L, Tim can you please turn that off please she says with a tired voice
T, ok ok I we'll he says with a tired voice
L, thank you,
T, come on we got to get ready for work or else we would be late,I'm going to shower with out you he smiles while saying that
L noooooo five more minutes, she said while
She gave Tim a puppy eyes look
T, no Lucy, if you don't get up I'm going in the shower by myself
L, okay I'm coming! ,she said excited

They took a shower, after the shower the both got ready. After they got ready Tim made some breakfast and set up the kitchen island and fed Kojo while Tim cooks breakfast and Feeds Kojo Lucy does her make up and get Ava up and feeds her a bottle.

T, Lucy baby breakfast is ready, he yells out
L, ok coming she yells back at him

Lucy came to the kitchen island and sit down on a stool with Ava in her Hans

T,let me hold Ava
L, no it ok I got her Lucy said
T,okay then

Tim sit next to Lucy, and they ate and Tamara came out of her room and said hi,

Tam, hey guys
L&T oh hey
Ava , wave at Tam
Tam, what for breakfast?
L&T eagg,bacon and pancakes
Tam, nice we'll I'm going to school I we'll see you guys later?
L&T okay bye be safe
Tam, I will
Ava , wave goodbye
Tam, bye Ava love you
L, she love you too,you are the best auntie ever

As they was done eating they put everything away and brush their teeth and say goodbye to kojo and Head out to Ava daycare. When they arrive at Ava daycare they drop her off and went back to the car and go straight to the station.

when they got there Tim went straight to his office and Lucy went straight to her locker and got dressed in her uniform,when she was done she went to Tim office.

T, hey gorgeous
L, hey handsome
T, you ready to go to roll call
L, yep she said as she smiled at him

They both went in to the Roll Call room holding hands and was happy. they got in and Lucy sat down next to her best friend Nolan, Tim was standing next to gray.

gray was talking and telling them the plan for the day and par them up.

G, Lucy you are parter up with Tim today, Tim doesn't have to go to metro today and everybody you know who is your partner, you guys are all dismissed be safe out there gray said.

They all leave the roll call room and get the stuff.

T, babe wait for me
L, Lucy just run out of the roll call room with a smile and say nope

Tim ran out after her and grabbed her by the waist,
she laughed and giggled and smiled at him

T, I told you to wait for me baby
L, I know I just wanted to get the things
T, you know I could of got it for you
L, but I what to get it she says while giving Tim puppy eyes looks
T, fine
L,yay! she said with a big smile on her face

She put the things in the boot and get in the shop and they drove off

The day was chill and nothing really happened.

They went back to the station and Lucy went to her locker and get changed back to her regular clothes, when she was done she went to Tim office.

T,Hey Beautiful
L,hi handsome boy, you fulling out my paperwork? She said with a confused face
T, yeah because you got the stuff this morning so it mine turned to do something for you baby
L, fine I guess so, so when we'll you be done she? say with a cute face
T, I'm done right now, as he say that he got up and kiss her on her lips and smiled
L,yay now we can go.... h... before she could finish what she was saying she got stop by Tim kissing her lips and she kiss him back.

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