Chapter 5 part 1~ after the break up

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You can listen to when I go by Dylan Conrique while you're reading this.

It been 2 weeks after the break up.everyone from the station knew they broke up and all was mad at Tim because because why not.

Angela saw Tim coming to her and Lucy with a box of Lucy things that she left behind at his house and in his office.

A, he coming over here she say to Lucy
L, ignore him please

T, here

Tim put the box down and left to go to his office.

A, he gone you can look now

Lucy look and saw a box in front of her, she look through it, she saw a note it say......

Here are your things that you left in my house and my office, may ask why it took two weeks to gave your things back well because I was not ready to gave it back but I realize I didn't love you anymore.

Lucy had nothing to say and just kept looking through it.

A, so what did the note say
L, you can read it
A, oh okay

Angela face was like 😳 when she saw where Tim say because I don't love you anymore. She say to her self that not like Tim her loves her so much he would never say that.

Lucy was looking through the box until she saw a book it say to my love. She looked in side of the book and she read it it say...

To Lucy this book is for you only you, I hope you get this on the night I proposed to you this is for you it start when our first date until now I'm still not finished with this. She look through the pages and saw a bag with flowers old one from there first date.

Lucy POV: he was going to propose? He cut some parts of the flower he got me on the first day?

She keeps looking and she saw a pregnancy test that was when they found out Ava. (Still in Lucy POV)

No.... No..... wonder why I can't find Ava and this new baby pregnancy test she say to her self
He put everything in this book like everything.

Lucy POV is over....

A, you okay
L, look what he did
Angela look and say you not supposed to see that
L, what you mean, you know about this?
A, yeah um he show me long time ago
L, oh

Lucy keep looking through the box and stop looking at the box for a while

Tim POV: I went back to my office after I dropped of the box I closed the door and lack it I went to my desk and finished my paperwork, I never stopped until I realized the book was missing. I looked everywhere and then I unlocked my door and went straight back to Angela and Lucy.

Tim POV over

A, oh no he coming

Lucy just look at her paperwork and pretend to do it

T, I need that book back you were not supposed to look in to it

A, she look in it
T, oh well I'm still taking it I'm not finished with it

L, you not Lucy say quietly

Tim just pretend that he didn't hear her because he didn't what to talk to her anymore, he took the book and walked back.

A, he gone, you okay
L, yeah

Shift have end and Lucy went in to the locker room and change out of her uniform and went straight to her car and drove to Ava daycare.

Ava, dada
L, no dada not home baby
Ava, dada not howm
L, yeah dada not home, okay let get you ready for bed

Lucy got her and Ava ready for bed once she put Ava to sleep someone knocked on the door. She went and saw Angela and Nyla outside of the door she opened it for them

L, what you guys doing here
N&A we want to see if you was okay
L, yeah I'm good come, come in
All three of them set in the living room and talk for awhile.

N, so have you talk to Tim yet

L, um no and I don't want to
A, why not
L, we'll one because I'm mad at him and 2 because he doesn't even want to talk to me and 3 he doesn't even love me anymore, so there for there no point to talk to him,

N&A, well there still a chance you can try and talk to him. They say at the same time

L, no I'm good
A, Lucy we know you not, you need him and so does Ava, don't you love him still.

L, I don't know okay can we talk about it tomorrow please I'm really tired and like so pregnant.

N, okay see you tomorrow Lucy.

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