Chapter 2 part 2 ~ Lucy is pregnant

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You can listen to ugly by Dylan conrique while reading this. Sorry for all of Dylan songs I just like all of her songs she makes.

One morning......
Lucy woke up feeling sick she felt like she have to throw up she got out of bed and ran straight to the bathroom and throw up, Tim saw her running to the bathroom and ask her if she was okay

T, are you okay
L, do I look okay
T, nope
L, hurry up and just hold my hair up

Tim hold her hair up and sit next to her, Lucy was done throwing up and she ask Tim if he can get her the pregnancy test in the cabinet, she still have some from the last time she took one,

T, are you sure you are pregnant
L, yes Tim I'm sure I am late to my period
T, okay okay

he gave her the test and she took it and 10 minutes later they turn the test over and it was positive
Lucy started to cry and didn't know what to do
Tim hug her and say it okay baby I still love you very much I'm excited, Lucy say but I didn't expect to be pregnant again we have 2 under 2, Tim said it okay Lucy I'm here to help you.
Ava and Tamara and you can move in with me and other stuff, Lucy say you sure about this,

T, I'm sure about This baby you know I love you so much and this tiny boot.
Lucy laughs and say you name Ava little boot and now this baby tiny boot what about if we have more kids what other name you will name them

T, we'll I have to make up some more others name
Because you are already boot and Ava is already little boot and now this one is tiny boot the next one is small boot and the next one we'll be smaller boot and if we have another one that one will be smallest boot.
L, wow we not having that much kids you know
T, aww man I what to use the name though
L, very funny I love you
T, love you too now come on Ava is about to wake up and I pretty sure you what to tell Tamara
L, your right she said while smiling

They went to go get Ava and make some breakfast together, Tamara woke up with the smell of Tim famous pancakes.
L, that looks good
T, yeah, hey
Lucy started to kiss Tim on the lips and Tim kiss her back

Tam, you know there other room to do that right
L, I thought you was going to sleep in for classes
Tam, I was but I smell some pancakes
T, yeah you what some
Tam, three Please

Ava, ta ta
L, omg I think Ava is trying to say your name
Tam, we'll I guess my nickname name is ta ta

T&L we have something to tell you
Tam, what is is
L, I'm pregnant
Tam, omg congratulations

When they are done with breakfast they clean up and they went to drop off Ava at daycare and went straight to the station, Lucy went to her locker and Tim went to go see his best friends Angela.

T, hey guys
A, hey where is Lucy
L, I'm right here
A, oh hey
L, hey I have something to tell you and Nyla
A, oooo what is it
L, well I what to wait for Nyla to get here
T, um babe
Lucy turn around and look at Tim
L, yeah
N, I'm right here
L, ohh hiii okay I can finally tell you guys
N&A, okay what is it do you want Tim to listen
L, yes I do but first you guys have to be quiet, but first let's go to gray office first

They all went to gray office, gray told them to come in gray asked what is going on Angela said that Lucy have something to tell us, gray said okay.

L, okay so I'm am before she could finish Angela shouted out congratulations
L, I don't even get to say it
A, we'll okay say it then
L, I'm pregnant now you can say congratulations
They all laugh and say congratulations, then gray say let's go to roll call, they all went in the roll call and gray start the roll call when they was done with with roll call gray say Tim Lucy do you guys have anything to say, Tim look at Lucy and Lucy say yes we do Tim you should tell them.

T, there we'll be another little rookie coming soon
Everyone clap for them and say congratulations and hug them, gray say it time to go be safe out there, everyone leave and went out on patrol.

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