Chapter 3 part 1 ~ lucy gets a car

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You can listen to never change by Dylan conrique while reading this.

A week later....

Lucy was 18 weeks pregnant she went to her first appointment at 6 weeks and it went well they we'll find out of the baby gender soon if they want to. Lucy told Tim that she wanted to wait until it Born
And Tim agrees with her.

One day...

After work Tim and Lucy went and get Ava from daycare and then they went home. When they got home all Lucy wanted to do was relax and sleep because she doesn't feel good because of the baby.

L, baby I'm going to take a shower and then relax can you please get me when dinner is ready
T, yes of course here gave me Ava I we'll make dinner with her

She hands Ava to Tim and went and showed.After her shower she put on Tim hoodie and shorts and relax on the bed and playing on her phone.

Tim went in the bedroom to get Lucy for dinner,
All three of them went back to the kitchen and sat down and ate dinner. Lucy went to the bathroom to throw up, Tim couldn't help her because he was helping Ava to get ready for bed and clean up the kitchen island, after Lucy was done she cleaned up and went straight to bed, she falls asleep really quickly. After Tim was done cleaning and putting the leftover food away for Tamara in the fridge he went and checked on Ava to make sure she was sleeping, after that he went in the bathroom and saw that Lucy was sleeping with no blanket over her and so he put one on her and kiss her forehead, he went to the bathroom and got in the shower, he got out of the shower and dressed up in comfortable clothes, he brush his teeth and went to bed.

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