Grandpa and family - pure of heart

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It had been sometime since the war with the RDA had ended it actually had been fifteen years and since that time, you had a family with your mates and everything was going well. Becoming a mother of five  kids and aunt to one kid was something you didn't see coming until all your kids were in your life now, and there was nothing you will change in the world about it. The children made you feel happy and help you move on from the past but you still, mourned from the ones you have lost and you wished your father was here to see your kids and be a grandparent because you knew he will be a good grandfather to them. You have missed all your friends as well wishing they could be here to live the lives they wish to make here and finding some peace in their lives.

Neteyam " hey mom"

Y/n " yes sweetie" you soon look at your son as he was standing a few feet from you, he was soon joined by the rest of his siblings.

Neteyam " we are planing to go out and explore, today"

Y/n " that sounds like fine but did you all get hit chores done, we all know how your fathers are on chores and responsibilities"

Loak " yes mom they are all done we even worked together as well"

Y/n " that good working together and no fighting"

Spider " so can we go aunt y/n please"

Y/n " well sure you can go but remember to be before before dark or eclipse and stay out of sight, of the RDA we don't need any trouble at the moment"

Kiri " yes mom"

Y/n " no going to the battle field any of you I mean it" you were looking at your children you knew they so well, as had a fleeing they were going to places that they were told no to going many times.

Neteyam " yes mom I will make sure we all stay safe, and spider and loak don't drag us into any trouble"

Loak and spider " hey"

Loak " oh come on bro can't you trust me"

Kiri " no"

Loak " mom"

Y/n " I trust you all sweetie now run along and have come fun, geo before your dads come back and drag any you boys on scouting mission"

Kiri " mom what about grandma"

Y/n " I will talk with her for you and she always said you should take a break here and there"

Y/n " now run along my children and have some fun" the kids had nodded their heads and soon ran out of house, as you watched form the entrance.

Y/n " oh dad I wish your were here to seem them, your grandchildren are so amazing ... you'd would of love to meet them" you were not the only one who wished family members or friends were still here. Jake had so badly wished Tommy was still alive to see his kids and so they could meet their uncle. The kids had heard nanny stories abour their family members who were no longer here with them. You soon sighed and smile as you soon went on with the rest of your day, hoping that your children will be okay and come home safe once they were done with their day.


Quaritch " ....." Quaritch soon opens his eyes when she heard voided and light shining on him. He soon went to fight mood as she was looking around and see Navi near him and these unknown faces.

Lyle " colonel calm down colonel clam down" soon Quaritch started fighting the avatars and anyone near him. He was soon held down by faces he knew so well it was his old team.

Quaritch " Lyle is that you"

Lyle " yes it me and so is Zdog and everyone else we are here along with Trudy and Tommy"

Tommy " hello"

Trudy " how are we alive"

???? " I can explain that hello everyone and t good to see you all are up and well" soon everyone was looking the new person who in in changer, of the RDA here.

Ardmore " I'm the one in command here and I will be telling you all what you have missed since you deaths"

Z dog " deaths"

Ardmore " yes you all have been dead for fifteen years come along let's get your dresses and we can talk" once everyone was dressed they soon meet with Ardmore and her team they didn't know, that much as their memory seem to will our the whole war and the destruction of hometree.

Quaritch " so the Navi have been attacking our people"

Ardmore "yes"

Tommy " yes but how are we alive"

Praker " you all that to me I have your records placed into chips so we can bring you up, but as avatars" everyone soon looked at praker and his group as they entered the room.

Tommy " so why don't we have grace and her team meet with the Navi and some peace"

Lyle " yes Grace and y/n are very close to them"

Trudy " so were norm and Jake"

Quaritch " are they here all the scientists and anyone else who was apart of the avatar program" Quaritch was looking at the two humans he wish to see his daughter, he had been gone for fifteen years. What did he miss in her life since he was dead and where was she on base.

Quaritch " where is my daughter"

Praker " I'm sorry to say this colonel but she dead fifteen years ago on the first battle we lost to the Navi" quaritch was mad as he stood there looking down at praker, if looks could kill Parker will be dead man right now.

Lyle " what do you mean she dead"

Z dog " she can't be dead tye navi love her and was treated like one of them"

Parker " im sorry to say but she is dead she was killed along with everyone else in avater progam they seem, to be betrayed by the navi"

Trudy "no that can't be dead that can't be dead"

Adrmore " im sorry you had to find out like this colonel but coming from what I was told you daughter was a good women" quaritch was mad he soon picked up a chair and tossed it towards a wall breaking the chair into many pieces,he as mad his daughter has been taken from him and he never got a chance to say goodbye to her.

Quaritch " who the leader of this navi group"

Ardmore " his name is toruk Makto the leader of navi rebellion"

Quartich " then it looks like we are going after this toruk Makto and making him pay for his action against my daughter and everyone else" there was no lying there it seems like everyone was planning on some revenge in the name of you, not knowing lies were being told to them and poor Tommy was confused he lost everyone but he as going to do anything to help and get back the ones he lost. Quaritch was going to get revenge for this daughter he had lost his wife and now he lost his daughter.

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