Chapter 1: The New Things

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"And we need more info on 'Animal_hunter_230.' That's what Grey said at roll call today. Tim and Lucy playing as a couple again shouldn't be too bad. It might even go smoother than Dim and Juicy. Tim had feelings for Lucy, but he's afraid of rejection after what happened that one high school night. Lucy walks up to Tim,

"Tim..." she pauses, "do you think we can discuss our undercover work at my apartment after our shift? I don't want to repeat the same mistakes I made as Sava..." She trails off.

"Uh.. Yeah.. Yeah sure" Tim nervously replies  as he nods.

"Great! Awesome! After our shift, just go find my car in the parking lot!" Lucy said, smiling happily. Soon, she made a gesture indicating that she had to leave, stepping aside from Tim.

It was silent later on, you can hear Tim's heart pounding after talking to Lucy. Angela strolls over to Tim,

"Undercover as a couple again, huh?" Angela starts to smirk at Tim. "Might as well be a real couple.. I mean, both of you are single." Clearly Angela ships Lucy and Tim together, it is pretty obvious he likes her.

"What? No way! I would never date another cop again, and I don't have any romantic feelings for Lucy. She's my old boot." Tim exclaims, but Angela cuts him off. "Nuh-uh! I'm not buying it, tell it to the wall." She points to the nearby wall and continues, "You can't hide your feelings for Lucy. Admit it!" She playfully walks backward, pointing at him. And just like that, Angela disappears in the blink of an eye.

Maybe Angela was right, ya know? You can't keep those feelings hidden forever. Tim needs to find a way to tell Lucy, but how? He's gotta come up with a plan. Last time he tried, Lucy didn't quite get the hint. Tim's not really the type to express his emotions, he's more on the reserved side. But hey, sometimes you gotta take a leap and let those feelings out, right?

"I need to focus." Tim mumbles to himself. "you can worry about Lucy after shift" Tim quietly walks to his office, still thinking about how to confess to Lucy.

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