Hello Roselie

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*Author's Note: Someone commented on the last chapter about changing her name to Roselie and use Rose as a nickname. I've decided to make that small change to her name. It works better for the story in a way. Please if you have any suggestion for the story comment them. I will try to think of ways to add them if they work with the story. Sorry for the rant, now back to the story. As always I appreciate all of you that read, vote or comment even if my writing isn't the best or is all over the place sometimes.*

*Author's Note 2: I'm extremely sorry for the late update. At first I was fighting writers block. When I finally decided to start writing again a close family member passed and I fell back into writers block and depression. I was finally getting back into the rhythm, I finished this chapter and a couple of others but hadn't posted them yet. Then the day before I planned on posting my brother passed away. So I decided to give up on social media and writing for a little over a year. I've decided to start writing again in hopes that getting back into writing will bring me out of my depression.* 


My leg shook as I waited for the guys to get back. Happy refused to see me when they were inside. He got all his intel on me from Opie or mom. He always said he didn't want me in danger. That Roselie needs her mother safe. That or he would say he didn't want me seeing that side of him. Jax told Tara it was because what they had to do inside to survive. That some men can't be reminded of the women waiting for them outside the walls, where the others can't wait to see them. 

I sat with Tara, mom, Thomas who was in Tara's lap, and Roselie on mine. The guys were supposed to get back today and I was both excited and nervous. "May." I looked at Tara and she smiled, "don't get too nervous. They'll be here soon."

"I know it's just, what if something happens and he decides I'm not enough. I just, I don't know, something feels off. He didn't want to see me the entire fourteen months he was inside."

"You're just nervous." Mom said and grabbed my hand. I nodded my head and Roselie started fussing. I walked into the clubhouse to feed her and change her diaper.

I hadn't heard them pull up or enter the clubhouse. I was to busy focused on changing Roselie, so when I say I jumped as someone stopped directly behind me and their jeans brushed against my ass, I mean I jumped. "Fucking damnit Hap. You could've gave me a heart attack." Roselie started screaming and crying, Happy looked at her before making a face. The face didn't help, she just kept screaming. 

"Come on Princess, you're safe." His rasp followed the face he made. He was attempting to calm her down. It didn't work, only making her cry more. He finally huffed sitting on the bed next to her. She bounced a little on the bed, the screaming stopped. He bounced lightly again. Soon it was like a game to him, she was laughing as she looked at him. I finished changing her before he took her from me. 

Kissing me lightly, leaving the room to join the party outside.

The party was full swing as we left the room. Mom took Roselie from Happy for some grandma and granddaughter time. Happy went to the couch, I grabbed us two beers. Turning around to see a croweater hitting on Happy. It's not very often that croweaters are stupid enough to sit on a taken guys lap. It's also not very often I get mad over something as stupid, at least anymore. However the second I saw her smiling as she touched his arm it was like the bitch was trying to piss me off.

She saw me and turned to sit on Happy's lap. He pushed her off a couple times but she'd just return. I calmed myself just enough to give her a minute to decide to pick a less dangerous road. After those long and annoying two minutes I walked over.

"Can I help you?" She crossed her arms and I forced a smile.

"You seem to be in my seat. Move."

"I don't see your name on it." Happy tried pushing her off for the thirteenth time and she tried returning. I pulled her away and sat down.

"Mine." I crossed my arms and leaned back against him. I wiggled my ass a little and he growled grabbed my hips to make me stop. His hand slowly moved up my shirt as I moved off his lap and sat next to him on the cough. "What's on your mind?" He looked at me and kissed me.

"You." His thumb brushed again my stomach as he went back to thinking. I watched as he zoned out and his thumb subconsciously rubbed my side. Tara brought Roselie over and he hadn't noticed until she touched his hand. He blinked a few times and looked at her before smiling and taking her.

"You want to head home?" He looked at me before nodding yes. He followed on his Harley and I put Roselie in her crib as she had fallen asleep on the drive home. "You want to talk about it?" I offered him a beer and he took it.

"I can't lose you or Rose." I moved to sit on his lap and I kissed him lightly.

"You won't." He looked at me and rubbed my thigh, "I love you Happy. You're stuck with us until the end."

"I could've lost you when Rose was born."

"But you didn't. I didn't want Opie to tell you but he had to. I wanted to tell you myself but you didn't want me to visit." I laid my forehead against his. My hands rubbed up and down against his arms, "I am right here and I have no clue how you feel and I'm not going to try and guess. All I know is that I'm right here right now. I will always be here." His eyes showed an emotion I wasn't used to seeing from him, venerability.

"I love you." I kissed his forehead and smiled.

"How about some sleep? It'll do you good to sleep in an actual bed and maybe I'll actually sleep. Considering I'll finally have you next to me." He smiled a very rare smile and stood up keeping me close. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried us to the bedroom. Nothing happened except sleep and cuddling. He held me so close to his chest it was almost like the past fourteen months hadn't happened.

I woke up to Roselie crying for food and Happy's arm was over my stomach. I wiggled free and got her before sitting on my side of the bed. I put his hand on my thigh as I feed Roselie. I didn't want him thinking I had left or anything.

He moved closer and with my free head I rubbed his back. Roselie finished her bottle and I burped her before she fell asleep again. I kissed his knuckles before returning her to her crib. I laid back down and kissed his forehead. His eyes slowly opened before he pulled me back to him.

"I love you." I gave him a quick kiss and he deepened it. It wasn't long before my shirt was off. This was different from our normal sex this it was more intimate and almost like he just wanted the closeness.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15 ⏰

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