The Crash

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*Happy's POV*
After they left I wanted to leave but Ima grabbed my arm and took me to the apartment. I didn't let anything happen and as soon as she pulled me in I walked out. Went and talked to Bobby and Chibs when Chibs got a call from some random person that he didn't know. "Yeh who is this. What do you mean the princess wasn't supposed to be with him." I started to think and I hit me.
"Chibs, Violet and Jax." We went to go out to our bikes but Gemma beat us out there.
"What's going on." That was when her phone rang "Jax what's wrong. Shit"
"Gemma what's wrong."
"Violet's been shot and she fell off Jax's bike after but before he crashed it." She was running to her car. We got on our bike as the others came out. They fallowed we got to the hospital and Gemma was talking to some doctor and she didn't look happy but a little pissed and sad. " Just save my daughter or can you even do that." She yelled and walked away.
"How bad is she?"
"I'm not sure he was clear on it." She started pacing  around.
*three hours later*
The doctor came back but we had somehow convinced Gemma to go check on Jax and Wendy. "Where'd she go?"
"To check on her son."
"Oh are any of you family."
"Yeah we're all like her brothers."
"Well I need a husband, father, or actually brother, mother, or sister."
"Well none of us fit that but you can tell us."
"Fine, She's stable at the moment but the bullet she took is about an inches away from an artery . If we don't operate soon and it moves then I'm not sure what could happen."
"Then why aren't you operating."
"We need one of her family members to give the okay."
"I'll call Gemma." I dialed and put it on speaker told her. "Gemma what do you want to do."
"Do the fucking surgery and save my baby girl."
"Is that what you need or do you need more?"
"No that's fine." And he left I was trying so hard to keep my cool. Jax showed up like a hour later.
"Jax you okay."
"Yeah but I got to ask how did you guys know before mom knew."
"Someone called Chibs saying the princess wasn't supposed to be with him and I started thinking that's Violet left with you."
"Oh how is she?"
"Not sure they started the surgery about a hour ago." He just nodded his head. We all sat in silence for what felt like hours. Gemma and Clay showed up sometime after Jax. I had been there for so long half the guys had left to get some rest and Jax sent them away but I wasn't gonna leave her. We had that argument and he finally gave up. After a hour or so the doctor came out and told us Violet didn't make it through the surgery. I snapped and put my fist into the wall. That's when I shot up in bed and it was the morning of the crash. I haven't had a nightmare about a chick since my ex. Why is all of this happening to me about Violet. I got out of bed really fast to fine her to make sure all of it was a dream it had been so realistic. I didn't find her in her bed or on the couch then I found a note that said 'got called in early see you at work.'
I got ready and drove over to the clubhouse and she was there. Not dressed in the clothes she had on in my dream so that good right it means it won't happen right. Around 1 or 2 she came and asked Bobby if he could watch the bar so she could go change. Why do these dreams always seem to happen just different details.

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