Parallel Lives

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(A pansmione ft. Dramione??)


Hermione walked down a dimly lit corridor at Hogwarts when she suddenly stumbled upon a strange mirror. Curious, she peered into it, but instead of seeing her reflection, she saw another girl staring back at her. This girl was strikingly beautiful with black short hair and bright brown eyes.

"Who's there?" Hermione called out, startlingly herself in the mirror.

To Hermione's confusion, the girl in the mirror began to speak.

"Hello, my name is Pansy. I'm a Slytherin in my second year at Hogwarts. Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Hermione was astounded that the girl in the mirror was actually communicating with her.

"Pansy?" she asked, still not entirely sure what was happening.

"Yes," the girl in the mirror nodded. "You don't recognize me?"

Hermione gasped. "Is that you, Pansy Parkinson? How is this possible??"

Hermione's confusion turned into excitement as she took in her surroundings. She realized that she was not in the castle of Hogwarts at all. Instead, she was in some sort of magical room covered in dark purple drapes and golden chandeliers.

Pansy appeared next to her and took her hand, leading her deeper into the room. As she walked, Hermione noticed something strange about Pansy. While she looked the same as the Pansy she knew, there was something different in her eyes. Almost as if she was hiding something behind them.

Hermione noticed that Pansy led her into a small alcove in the corner of the room.

"What's this place?" she asked, looking around curiously. Pansy took a deep breath and glanced over at Hermione.

"Before I answer that, there's something I need to tell you."
Hermione felt her heart sink. This didn't sound good.

"What is it?" she asked, taking a step closer to Pansy.
Pansy took a moment to gather herself, and then spoke.

"This might sound strange to you," Pansy said. "But the girl you see in the mirror is actually me."

Hermione's face filled with shock. What was Pansy talking about?

"But...but that's impossible," she replied weakly. "How can that be?"
Pansy stepped forward and took Hermione by the hands.

"There's something I haven't told you, Hermione," she said, her voice full of emotion. "Something that will explain everything."

"I know that in the other world, we've never had a good relationship," Pansy continues.

"In fact, we barely talk to each other at all. But the truth is…” She reaches out and touches Hermione's chin, lifting her face up to meet her eyes.

"I have to be honest with you, because I don't want you to keep thinking I'm someone I'm not." Hermione is speechless, totally consumed by curiosity at what Pansy could say next.

"I have a crush on you, Hermione."Hermione's entire face flushed bright red as Pansy spoke.

"What?" she managed to get out.
Pansy smiled, and then continued with her confession.

"In our world, I was too scared to tell you how I really felt. I didn't think you would ever like me back, and I didn't want to risk making things awkward between us. But now that we're in this new world, I can finally take a chance and tell you the truth." Hermione's heart fluttered with emotion. She never thought Pansy felt this way about her.Pansy drew Hermione even closer, and Hermione felt her heart racing.

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