Blood and Tears

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(idk where the plot is heading T^T)


Pansy kept crying and shaking, unable to speak. Hermione continued trying to talk her down, telling her that everything would be okay. But Pansy could not stop crying. The blood loss was affecting her thinking and she couldn't seem to focus. With each passing moment, she seemed to be losing hope and her heart was racing.

Pansy eventually spoke up, her breathing getting faster and her voice cracking with each word.

"P-Please, Hermione... I-I'm so afraid," she cried, staring hard at Hermione and unable to hide her fear any longer.

"Pansy," Hermione said gently, gently stroking her hair and trying to calm her down, "everything is going to be just fine. I promise"

Pansy continued to cry, her breathing becoming more irregular and frantic. She tried to speak again but couldn't get the words out. Her eyes were glassy and her face was pale, indicating that she was in great distress. Hermione kept stroking her hair and trying to talk to her, but Pansy was too scared to keep speaking. They remained like this for several minutes, just trying to hold onto each other and comfort each other.

Pansy's heart was still pounding hard and fast as she remembered what had happened before she had run into Hermione's arms. Images of the attack flew through her mind. She could see the faces of her attackers, the look of cruelty in their eyes. The sounds of the blows still echoed through her head as she tried to push them away. She remembered the pain and the fear, the feeling of helplessness as she was beaten up.

Pansy finally managed to clear her head and take a deep breath. She looked at Hermione, her eyes still filled with fear and pain. "I'm sorry," she said, breaking down in tears once more. Hermione simply held her close and stroked her hair, not saying a word. There was nothing she could say that would make everything better, but she was there for her. It was all she could do.

Hermione finally decided that it would be best for Pansy to go to the infirmary. She carefully picked Pansy up, making sure to support her and keep her stable. Pansy was still shaking in her arms, afraid to move too much and lose even more blood. Hermione walked quickly to the infirmary, making sure to avoid too many people on the way. As she got to the infirmary, she was immediately greeted by Professor McGonagall, who took one look at Pansy and said,

"What happened to her?"

Professor McGonagall's expression immediatelyturned serious as she quickly began examining Pansy. She checked hertemperature, felt her pulse, and listened for any indications that something was wrong internally. Pansy simply laid there, struggling to stay conscious and keep her eyes open. Professor McGonagall ordered a couple of the other nurses to help her get a bed for Pansy. With Pansy finally secured, Professor McGonagall turned to Hermione,

"Tell me what happened?"

"There was an attack. Pansy was..." Hermione struggled to get the words out, "She was attacked... badly. I've tried to help her and stop the bleeding, but it's still not enough."

The look on Professor McGonagall's face was of concern and worry, she understood just how serious PansY's condition was. She immediately called for the Hogwarts Healer and took Hermione aside while she waiting.

"I need you to stay with us for a bit, I have a couple questions for you."

"Of course," Hermione said, "I'll stay as long as you need."

As Hermione waited with the professor, she thought back to the attack, trying to remember as many details as she could. She remembered the sounds of the attackers, their voices and footsteps as they ran away. She also remembered how Pansy had tried to fight them. Hermione wanted more than anything to get justice for Pansy, and she knew she would need to tell Professor McGonagall everything she could recall about the attackers.

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