Jealousy, jealousy

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Pansy's POV

It's Friday, and I woke up pretty late due to a hangover. The boys and I celebrated our win in quidditch yesterday against Hufflepuff a bit too hard. I'm sure they have a massive headache right at this moment, just like I do.

I rubbed my forehead, asking myself, "ugh, did I get wasted last night?"

Draco, Blaise, and the rest of the boys all trudged into my room, complaining about their massive hangovers. They all looked like death warmed over, with bags under their eyes and a few stray drool stains here and there.

Draco asked, "So, whose idea was it to down a full bottle of butterbeer last night anyway?"

It was a mix of banter and moaning as they all sat around in their pyjamas with their heads on the table. I couldn't help but chuckle at how ridiculous they all looked.

Blaise groaned, saying what draco said earlier, "Yeah, whose idea was it to down a full bottle of butterbeer last night anyway?"

"Oh yes, like you're Mr. Sensible. You were downing shots like crazy! Remember the 12th one?", Draco said sarcastically.

The arguments between the boys escalated quickly, with everyone joining in to voice their opinions.

"That must have been the 13th one! I distinctly remember you doing double shots, Blaise! And you, Pansy, weren't you doing triple ones?", Crabbe chimed in.

Blaise groaned again, claiming, "Shut up, it was my way of keeping up with you. You were doing too many! And no one is going to mention how Pansy downed the most ridiculous shots last night?"

Blaise and Draco continued arguing while Crabbe made comments from the sidelines. Their shouting was getting on my nerves, and, honestly, my head was still pounding horribly.

I said my goodbyes to the boys and, instead of going back to bed, I headed out of the dormitory and made my way to the library to meet up with my girlfriend, Hermione. She would have plenty of potions for my hangover, plus, I could use her as protection against whatever prank the boys came up with

I walked into the library expecting Hermione to be studying, but to my surprise, a girl from Ravenclaw was sitting opposite her, and they were both laughing. My eyes narrowed immediately as they seemed to be sharing a private joke that they clearly didn't want anyone else to know about. I walked over to them silently.

Seeing the girl holding Hermione's hands sent a chill up my spine. The girl wasn't just holding Hermione's hand, she was cradling it. A wave of jealousy washed over me as I watched them sharing a private joke, with heart eyes staring lovingly into each other's eyes. I gulped, getting annoyed on the spot.

As I got closer, they turned their heads and looked at me. Hermione's eyes widened in surprise, quickly dropping the girl's hand. The girl, however, wasn't at all surprised and gave me a devilish grin. With a wink, she picked up her bag from beside the books and walked out, leaving me alone with Hermione.

I stood opposite her, my heart pounding against my chest.

Hermione looked at me silently at first, probably thinking how to explain everything. She then blurted out, "It's not what it looks like. The girl is just a friend. I..."

I interrupted her and raised my eyebrow, saying, "A friend? A friend doesn't hold another person's hand and stare at them with heart eyes. Why were you sharing a private joke with her?"

Hermione kept fidgeting nervously as she continued to stumble over her words. It was obvious that she was lying to me and that something was going on behind my back.

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