I Wanna Be Yours

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(I tried T^T)


Hermione and Pansy were walking side by side through the halls of Hogwarts, deep in conversation.

"So, what do you think of potions class this semester?" Hermione asked,
her voice curious.

"Ugh, I hate it," Pansy replied with a sigh.

"There's just too much studying, and I can't keep up." Hermione looked at Pansy with concern.

"What did Professor Snape say when you asked him for extra help?" she asked.

Pansy's face flushed with embarrassment as she thought back to the conversation with Professor Snape.

"He just laughed at me and told me to pay more attention in class," she said.
Hermione was silent, considering Pansy's words.

"Maybe we could study together," she suggested. "You know more about potions than I do, but I'm better at studying habits. Maybe we could help each other out?"

"I'd like that," Pansy said. "But, I don't know if I'd be able to help you... you're pretty advanced yourself."

Hermione smiled, glad to see Pansy show some enthusiasm.

"Well, we won't know until we try," she said.

They continued walking down the halls, but now in silence. Hermione couldn't help but notice Pansy's gaze lingering on her from time to time. Each time she met Pansy's eyes, she felt a pleasant tingle in her chest.
What if Pansy's interest in her wasn't just academic? What if... She brushed those thoughts away, deciding it was just her imagination.

As they headed towards their next class, Pansy's silence made Hermione uncomfortable.

"Everything okay?" she asked, sensing Pansy's mood.

"N-no, it's nothing," Pansy said quickly. "Actually, I have to ask you something."

Hermione was intrigued, and she stopped walking to listen to what Pansy had to say.

"What is it?"

Pansy took a deep breath, her face full of determination.

"I like you. A-as more than a friend," she said in a shaky voice.

Hermione felt her breath catch in her chest as she listened to Pansy's words. She never expected to hear this from Pansy Parkinson, of all people.
Hermione searched her mind for the right words to say in response, but nothing came to her. Instead, she simply nodded her head in silence, expressing her acceptance of Pansy's feelings. Pansy's face was filled with relief, her eyes brimmed with tears.

"Wait, you actually feel the same way?" she asked, her voice full of hesitation.

Hermione took a deep breath and nodded again.

"Oh, my god," Pansy exclaimed, her voice quivering with emotion. "I never imagined that this would be so... easy."

Hermione stepped towards Pansy and wrapped her arms around her, pulling Pansy close to her.

"Neither did I," Hermione said, her voice soft.

Pansy nuzzled her face into Hermione's shoulder, relishing the warmth of her embrace. She had fantasized about this moment for weeks, and now it was finally happening.
She looked up at Hermione with a smile, their lips inches away from each other's.

Hermione saw Pansy's eyes looking at her lips, and the tension between them became electrifying. Hermione leaned forward slowly, her heart racing. Pansy closed her eyes and parted her lips slight. Their lips met, and a jolt of passion surged through their bodies. Hermione's arms tightened around Pansy's waist, pulling her even closer. Pansy's lips pressed harder against Hermione's, and she felt her body shudder with love. The two girls stayed locked in their embrace for a moment, savoring the blissful warmth of their kiss.

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