Really Like You

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Hermione's POV 

It's my third year in Hogwarts, and back-to-school is getting near. I am rather excited at the thought of seeing Pansy again, instead of studying at the library to get high grades on my subjects. After seeing Pansy last year in potions class with that greasy Slytherin, Draco, I've been stealing glances at her and even wrote a letter and sent it to her by Harry's owl. Harry even scolded me for it, saying she's not worth it because Pansy is mean, a bully, and her aura is so intimidating. But I didn't listen to my best friends.

While preparing for my luggage for tomorrow, Ginny approached me and helped me.

"I'll guess, you're excited to see Pansy rather than studying your ass off at the library?" Ginny said and I sighed because she's right. But it's 50/50. But there is some excitement in seeing Pansy after missing her for the entire summer break.

I sighed in agreement and gave Ginny a side eye.

"Yes, I am kind of excited to see Pansy..."

Ginny chuckled and shook her head. "Your crush on her is so obvious."

I blushed a little and tried to deny it.

"It's not a crush." I said, but Ginny just laughed and shook her head again.

"Oh please, you're as obvious as Drarry's sexual tension." she replied.

I rolled my eyes and turned to my luggage, trying to ignore Ginny's teasing.

"I'm not just excited to see Pansy." I said, but Ginny just glared at me.

"Oh, really?" she asked. "Then tell me what else you're excited about. Because I think she's the only reason you're not studying your ass off in the library right now."

Damn it, she has me. I admitted.

"Of course I'm excited to see her. I mean, it's Pansy. Who wouldn't?"

Ginny rolled her eyes, knowing full well I had a huge crush on Pansy.

"Let's cut the crap, Hermione. Just own up and say you're in love with her." she teased.

I rolled my eyes at her teasing and decided to just go along with it.

"Fine. I'm in love with Pansy. Are you happy now?" I replied, knowing full well I was only feeding into Ginny's teasing.

Ginny laughed and slapped my shoulder.

"Now we're talking. Now let's go see your beloved." she said with a mischievous grin.


The next day, I woke up early and dressed in my usual outfit, a skirt and button-up shirt with my favorite robe on top. I was feeling really nervous and excited and a little bit of other... feelings too.

As I was sitting in front of the mirror, brushing my hair, Ginny walked in with a smirk on her face.

"Are you already nervous about seeing Pansy?" she asked.

"Shut up." I replied.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

"Yeah, it's obvious." Ginny said, laughing softly. "You're so predictable. You act like a love-stricken idiot as soon as you're anywhere near her."

"Oh shut up." I said, trying not to laugh.

"So how are you going to approach her? Or is she gonna approach you first?"

"The latter, hopefully." I admitted. "Pansy doesn't seem like the kind of person who would start talking to me first."

Ginny burst out laughing and shook her head.

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