A Dream (M)

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Buckle up, folks!


It was 5am when pansy woke up because of her intense dream. The dream was intimate and it turns her on. Pansy wants to do it with her girlfriend, Hermione. But sad to say, the girl is sleeping soundly.

"Darling?" pansy whispered, trying to wake Hermione. But her girlfriend just hummed and continues to sleep.

Pansy recalled her dream and while recalling it through her mind, she starts to get down and in between Hermione's legs. She spread the girl's legs apart slowly and softly kissing its thighs, from her thighs to its center, inhaling Hermione's scent that made her go crazy with it in an instant. Pansy, then slowly ripped the girl's underwear with her bare hands, it made the girl shift her sleeping position but pansy prevented it. Pansy exhaled nervously at the thought of getting caught by Hermione, and when she knows the girl is sleeping soundly, she gets back with her plan.

"Hmm, you smelled so sweet, my love" said pansy quietly and softly licked the girl's pearl and she earned a soft sigh coming from the owner of the pearl.

Pansy continued to lick, suck and bite on the girl's pearl. Hermione tensed up and that's when she made her release, still sleeping and keeping her eyes close.

"So wet for me even when you're sleeping, hmm?" pansy whispered and gets on top of Hermione.

The latter rubbed the folds of Hermione while kissing its neck and nibbling the skin of her neck, making her moan in pleasure as pansy started to rub its clit fast but gentle. Hermione's eyes were still closed shut but her breathe is ragged and her back arching like a bow because of the way pansy were pleasuring her.

"P-pansy..." Hermione moaned, totally aware of what's happening, holding pansy's shoulders.

"Speak to me, darling." Pansy replied, inserting her middle finger on her girlfriend's entrance, making her moan even louder.

Pansy quickened her pace and inserted another finger, curling it inside while going in and out in an unmatched pace. That's when Hermione's walls started to suffocate pansy's fingers, indicating that she's near. Pansy pulled out her fingers just about the time Hermione were about to cum, making the girl groan in frustration. Pansy just wearing her signature smirk, followed by her sweet deep voice, as she speak;

"Hmm, no. You're not allowed to cum, yet." Pansy's smirk grew even wider and ordered her girl to turn around.

"Turn around for me, darling. Ass out." Pansy commanded and Hermione quickly obeyed her lover.

She turned around, her ass out, and gripping the bedsheets as she finds a friction through the air. Pansy noticed it and slapped Hermione's butt cheeks, making her squirm and hissed from the sting of being slapped.

"Don't even think about it, you slutty mudblood!" Pansy said, slapping her butt cheeks again. Hermione moaned in both pleasure and pain.

"Please..." Hermione pleaded.

"Please what, mudblood?" pansy replied, squeezing the girl's butt cheeks and teasing her wet pussy.

"Please fuck me..." Hermione once again pleaded, her voice was needy as much her pussy wants to be fucked.

Pansy is still smirking and decided to tease her a bit before going down and starts to lick Hermione's folds again, swirling her tongue against it, sucking her clit.

"Pansy... inside..." Hermione pleaded, but pansy did not listen. Instead, she continued to tease Hermione's clit, licking and sucking it until the latter squirted.

"Too excited, darling?" pansy whispered, suddenly inserting her two slender fingers on Hermione's entrance, going in and out fast. The girl moaned her lover's name as she gripped the sheets of her bed tightly.

"Faster..." Hermione moaned in pleasure.

Pansy obeyed her girlfriend, making her pace faster and deep inside the girl, she slapped and bites her lover's butt cheeks. Pansy inserted another finger and fastened her pace until Hermione's walls were clenching her fingers. Hermione is beathing heavily as her release comes near, she moaned, whimper and her eyes rolling back because of the pleasure she's feeling, on how pansy giving it so good.

"P-pansy... I-I'm Cumming!

"Cum on my fingers, pretty" pansy replied, her pace even faster.

Hermione moaned and breathe heavily as she released her orgasm on her lover's fingers. Her legs are shaking and she slammed her body in the bed, her breathe is ragged, her hair is wet because of her sweat. She lays on the bed nicely, pansy went on top of her and kissed her forehead.

"Sorry for waking you up this early," pansy said, kissing Hermione softly.

"You're so cute when sleeping and... so sexy. I can't help but taste you." She continued. Hermione just chuckle at her lover's excuse. She the flipped pansy and went on top of her.

"Ready for round 2?" Hermione smirked; and pansy just nodded.

And they did it till morning.

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