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uhmm hi?


Hermione returned to Hogwarts after the holiday break, her mind still filled with memories of her time with her family. As she walked through the halls, she couldn't help but smile at the thought of her parents and their warm, familiar presence. Suddenly, she noticed Parkinson, her longtime rival, staring at her with a smug expression on her face.

"What's that face for?" Hermione asked, trying to hide her irritation.

Parkinson smirked at Hermione's question, clearly enjoying the situation.

"Oh, nothing," she said in a mock innocent tone.

"Just wondering why, a Granger like you would waste their time in the muggle world."

Hermione bristled at the comment, her irritation growing. "It's called spending time with my family," she retorted. "You wouldn't understand."

Parkinson's smirk widened as she leaned against a nearby wall, clearly enjoying getting under Hermione's skin. "Oh, I understand just fine," she said. "Muggles are so primitive. It's no wonder you prefer their company to ours."

Hermione clenched her fists, trying to maintain her composure. "Muggles are not primitive," she said firmly. "They have their own unique culture and ways of life. And unlike you, they actually care about things other than blood purity."

Hermione turned on her heel and continued walking towards the Great Hall, determined to ignore Parkinson's comments. As she entered the hall, she immediately spotted her friends sitting at the Gryffindor table and made her way over to them.

Ron looked up as she approached and raised an eyebrow. "What's got you looking so grumpy?" he asked, nudging her playfully.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Parkinson," she muttered irritably.

Ron raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "What did she say this time?" he asked, a hint of defensiveness in his voice.

Hermione sighed, still feeling riled up by Parkinson's comments. "She was making snide remarks about muggles," she said, shaking her head. "As usual."

Ron's expression darkened at the mention of muggles. "What a bigot," he muttered. "You know, you should just forget about her. She's not worth your time."

Hermione was midway through a conversation with Harry and Ron when the sound of flapping wings signaled the arrival of numerous owls delivering letters and packages to the students in the Great Hall. As she listened to her friends talk, an owl came gliding towards her and dropped a green letter and a silver envelope onto her plate. Hermione raised an eyebrow in surprise and picked up the envelopes, noticing her name elegantly written on each one. She wondered who could have sent her these letters.

Hermione's eyes widened in shock and confusion as she read the letter, "I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me." her heart beating faster. As she unfolded the envelope, her expression turned to one of disbelief as she saw the pictures of her and her family. Hearts were drawn around the edges, and the message on the letter felt sinister and obsessive.

She quickly put the letter back into the envelope, hiding it from Ron and Harry's view.

"Everything okay?" Ron asked, noticing her expression.

Hermione looked up and forced a smile. "Yeah, everything's fine," she lied, slipping the envelope and the letter into her bag. "Just some fan mail."

Ron raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Fan mail? Who'd be sending you fan mail?"

Hermione shrugged nonchalantly. "I have no idea. Probably some first-year student who thought it would be funny to prank me."

Ron chuckled, accepting her explanation. "You're probably right. First-years do love their pranks."

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