1 - A New Horizon

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I was glad to have solid ground under my feet again as I stepped off the ship onto the pier of King's Landing. Looking around, I took in the colors, sounds and scents of this strange new continent. Salty sea air mingled with the smell of piss and sweat that was present in probably every large city in the world. But even so, it was unmistakably different from the one I had spent the past 26 years in. The walls, the houses, even the people somehow seemed... grander here. Even the sun on the back of my head felt different.

I pulled up the hood of my robe in spite of the summer heat and made my way through the crowd, steering for the heart of the city. Wafts of spices and fish surrounded me, and I had to force myself not to stop at one of the vendors' carts to buy some food after the long journey. Soon, I told myself. Duty first

Yet it was difficult to ignore the rumble in my stomach, or more so the unwanted memories it brought back. Never again. I do not need to go hungry anymore. I'm out, I have been for years now. Never again. Tearing my eyes away from the array of delicacies, I pushed forward.

The throng grew thicker the closer I came to the great castle they called the Red Keep. I saw the houses change, too, the offered wares became more luxurious, the facades better kept, the people more adorned.

Finally, I reached the castle gates. I drew my robe up around me and straightened my spine. Act like a highborn. Act like you belong here. Don't let them question who you are. The orders at myself flashed through my mind like a mantra as I approached the two guards. 

"Halt! Who goes there?"

"Greetings", I called out as pleasantly as I could, uncomfortably aware of my thick Valyrian accent that gave me away as a newcomer. "I am Dahlia of Volantis. I have business with the queen."

"And what business would that be?"

I tried to make my stare cold, but didn't know if I succeeded. "None that concerns you."

The guards exchanged a look. "No entry without stating your business."

I took a step toward them. "I am a priestess of R'hllor. The Lord does not disclose His work to overcurious sentries. Let me in."

They didn't budge.

"Let me in now", I repeated, "or tell me your names, so I can give them to the queen when I inevitably make it to her."

A beat of silence. "I'll need to ask the commander", one of the guards sighed.

"Ask him, then", I replied. "Make it quick. It's been a long voyage."

The man disappeared through a smaller door embedded in the gate and I stood in silence in front of the other one. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see his gaze roaming my body without restraint. I rearranged my clothes uncomfortably, trying to conceal my silhouette more.

"A priestess, hm?", he asked.

I nodded, looking fixedly past him.

"And are the Red Priestesses sworn to celibacy like the septas?"

A moment passed in which I considered whether a lie might be the wiser answer. "No", I forced out through tightly pressed lips.

He nodded enthusiastically. "Well. Very well. If you're staying, maybe-"

"Ah", I interrupted, relieved, when his colleague returned. "And? What did your commander say?"

"You may enter", he said. "Go to the throne room. King Robert will receive the day's petitioners there in half an hour."

"Thank you", I smiled and inclined my head, pointedly ignoring the other man, then walked past them through the gate they opened for me.

Inside, the crowd was less dense than in the city, but not by much. The difference in status was more apparent, though. Lords and ladies in brightly colored garments with elegant trims and baubles wandered about, all looking like they had important places to be at all times.

A Champion of Light and Lions (Cersei Lannister x OC)Where stories live. Discover now