17 - Yanking The Sparrow's Tail

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We had thought Lancel's little display at Tywin's funeral was the last we would see of this sparrow cult for a while, but as it turned out, we were wrong.

A few weeks later, they were brought to public attention for the first time the way so many things born among the commonfolk do: by messing with the wrong man.

The High Septon had been attacked in the streets by some members of their order. Well, in the streets wasn't technically correct - he had been found in a brothel, the kind of a place their overly virtous religion deeply frowned upon. I would have agreed if it was for the unwillingness of the employees there, but that was not the part they criticized at all. They hated the act itself, and I thought it was a ridiculous law, to condemn a thing so natural and inherent to human nature. There were no such rules with the Red God.

Whether it was sensible or not though, it served Cersei perfectly as a new opportunity to take the upper hand in her persisting feud with the Tyrells, particularly Margaery. With her now married to Tommen, Cersei was more persistent than ever to put stones in her way.

"This is a wonderful turn of events", she said, pensively pacing the floor of her room that noon. "I've been thinking back and forth about how to get that slut out of the way, and-" She noticed my small wince at the word 'slut'. "Sorry. You know I don't mean it like that, she's just a wicked bitch. But although she might be playing the dutiful, innocent puritan out there, she has got her hidden vices too, and that's how we'll get her."

The sparrows seemed to have a way of finding your deepest, most darkest sins, and holding you accountable for them. The High Septon was not the only one who had fallen victim to their vigorous chastisement of late, though he was the only one of note to the court.

"It might just work", I replied. "What will you accuse her of?"

Cersei shrugged. "I'm not sure yet. Infidelity, perhaps? Losing her maidenhead before her marriage and lying about it? I don't believe for a second that she has truly been with no one at all. Or, who knows, it might be enough to get her brother in trouble - his tastes are an open secret, they just haven't dared to touch him yet because he's the queen's brother - and she'll dig her own grave trying to help him." I didn't miss the way she ever so slightly ground her teeth at having to acknowledge Margaery as queen once again.

"But if they wouldn't touch him for his status, what makes you think they'll do so now? If they already know about him, your word won't change anything."

"They'll have more than my word", Cersei promised. "I will give them strength."

"How so?"

"Tell me, have you ever heard of the Faith Militant?"

I shook my head.

"They were an order of zealots, just like this one, that lived long ago, some few centuries ago, and were abolished by King Maegor Targaryen after waging a long and bloody war with the nobility. They were an army of the Faith. I intend to reinstate that army, give them the power they need to touch those previously deemed untouchable."

I shifted uncomfortably. "You want my honest opinion, Cersei? That sounds like a terrible idea. Putting weapons in the hands of fanatics is as good as signing your own death sentence. You do realize that you - we - are among those who will become touchable under their rise to power?"

"I'm the one who's giving them that power, and I can just as quickly take it away again", Cersei said irritably. "They won't turn on me, nor anyone I want protected."

"Can you?", I asked pointedly. "Take their power, I mean? It's hard to defeat an enemy you've armed. Right now, all they have is strength in numbers. That can be enough to make a difference without putting our safety on the line. Let's not give them another advantage and put ourselves at risk."

A Champion of Light and Lions (Cersei Lannister x OC)Where stories live. Discover now