14 - Golden Fools

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The throne room was decked in gold. Golden chandeliers, gold-rimmed banners, the Kingsguards' golden armor, all matching the golden crown that the High Septon was holding above young Tommen's head as he spoke the familiar words of anointment.

"May the Warrior grant him courage and protect him in these perilous times. May the Smith grant him strength, that he might bear this heavy burden. May the Crone, she who knows the fate of all men, show him the path he must walk and guide him through the dark places that lie ahead."

The Lord will do all of those things and more, I thought, giving the new king my own private blessing. He will ensure you fulfil your destiny to the fullest and to the best of your ability, and make sure your mother is set on the right path alongside you so you may help her achieve the glory she was made for. Give everything for her, because she will give everything for us when the time comes. You are the king who will usher in the beginning of something grand, something that goes beyond rulers and families. Something godly. Long and well may you reign, King Tommen.

"In the light of the Seven, I now proclaim Tommen of the House Baratheon, First of his Name, King of the Andals and the First Men and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms." The High Septon slowly lowered the antler-shaped crown - a smaller, more rounded copy of Joffrey's, like the antlers of a younger stag - onto Tommen's head. The amber jewel at its front caught the light from the window behind him, making it look like a glowing third eye atop his hair. "Long may he reign!"

"Long may he reign", the hall echoed and broke into cheers and applause. Everyone was hopeful for this new, gentler king, after the short-lived yet destructive reign of terror that had been Joffrey. Two years had still been enough to make the people terrified of their ruler, and Tommen's coronation promised a new start that would heal the wounds Joffrey had torn throughout the country.

The crowd began to leave their orderly formation and spark up conversation while one by one, the most influential lords of the country walked up the steps to the throne to make their pledges to the new king. I got in line, hoping to provide Tommen with some wisdom of my own amidst all the septon's indoctrination that was part of his ceremony.

"My king", I said, curtsying, when it was finally my turn. "It is a pleasure to serve you. Should you ever wish to hear a different perspective from what these polytheistic men in beige are telling you, I would be happy to enlighten you. I am at your service, Your Grace. In uncertain times like these, I think we all need a steadying force to find hope in, whichever one it may be."

"Thank you, my lady", Tommen said with a nod. I considered correcting him, but decided against it. He had so many people to talk to today, he couldn't possibly be expected to know every one of them. I'd make a more memorable expression soon enough, I had no doubt.

When I left the dais and mingled back into the crowds on the side, Cersei caught my eye and jerked her head toward the back door. She wanted me to follow.

I made my way through the throng, trying not to lose sight of her in the busy hall. She waited for me by the door and fell in beside me as we stepped out into the hallway. The quiet was immediate and stark. 

"What is it?", I asked.

"I just had a chat with Margaery", Cersei replied, and I could hear the heated irritation in her voice. But when was she ever in a good mood while speaking about the girl?

"I take it she still wants to be queen?", I guessed.

Cersei nodded. "Of course. She's too clever to admit it outright, but of course she does. I was hoping it wouldn't come to it, but as it happens, my father shared some concerning news with me earlier."

"Well, out with it", I urged when she did not immediately continue.

"Our mines have run dry", she said, the words falling like a hammer. "We're out of gold. Have been for the past year, really. So, for the time being... we need the Tyrells." I could tell that fact was harder for her to admit than she would have liked to show.

A Champion of Light and Lions (Cersei Lannister x OC)Where stories live. Discover now