13 - Mess With The Lion

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⚠ Content warning: implied SA scene

I stood in front of the Sept of Baelor, watching a few pigeons picking for breadcrumbs on the steps. I was trying to gauge when it would be appropriate for me to enter.

How long ago had Cersei gone in? Twenty minutes? Thirty? I wasn't sure how much alone time she needed before she would be ready to talk to someone.

Whether she would want to talk to me even then, well, that was a different matter. She had made it pretty clear that she no longer wanted anything to do with me outside of my obligation to her as a priestess.

But I couldn't just not try. Even if we never went back to what we were before, I had to at least let her see how much I still cared for her, that my feelings remained unchanged even if hers did not, that I was still hopelessly devoted to her in more than just the religious aspect.

I saw a septon frowning at me and my red robes disapprovingly from the side of the staircase. I could picture exactly what was going through his head: what was this foreign preacher of another god doing at their holy place, infringing on a royal wake of all things?

Fuck him, I thought, I have every bit as much of a right to be here as anyone else. I pushed open the heavy marble doors demonstratively and entered into the cool, shaded chamber.

My eyes took a moment to adjust to the gloom, but what I saw when they did froze me in my tracks.

Cersei was on the ground, her hands scrambling for purchase on the cloth of the bier. And atop her, holding her thrashing body down, knelt Jaime, his good hand buried between their legs.

I understood in an instant what was happening. White hot rage boiled up inside me, fueled by the familiarity of it, by the way I knew exactly what it was like to be the one down on the floor, helpless against men who believed the world belonged to them, starting with you. 

"Get off her right this second", I growled, the sound echoing in the cavernous chamber.

Jaime did not appear to have heard me.

"I said... get off her!", I repeated more loudly, barely refraining from shouting. My hands were shaking with anger at my sides as I took a step toward the pair.

Jaime looked up now, but did not move. He just smirked at me. "Have you come to watch, Lady Dahlia? How unsaintly of you."

With a cry of rage, I lunged for the nearest candlestick, tossing it over into his direction. The muttered words of power came to me without thinking. Jaime tried to jump out of the way with a quiet curse, releasing Cersei at last, but I raised my hands and the flames licked up his boots and leather pants, racing in tiny blazing trails up his body.

Cersei shuffled away from him quickly while I took another step toward him, standing right over the fire's source now. It did not touch me.

Jaime jumped in circles, shouting, trying to bat the fire away with his golden hand, but it was no good. The flames did not relinquish an inch. They were not burning through his clothes just yet, but it wouldn't be long until they did.

"If you ever try anything like that again-" I twisted my wrist and the fire followed suit, swirling around his left arm toward his bare skin. "-I'll make sure you lose the second hand, too." The tips of the flames just barely licked over the edge of his sleeve, singing his skin slightly. "And, who knows..." I cocked my head, letting my eyes slide further down to his open breeches. "Perhaps something else as well."

His eyes widened in shock and his hands flew down to clasp over his private parts like a protective wall. 

I laughed quietly as I momentarily quenched the flames with a clenched fist. "Do you understand me, Ser Jaime? You are not to touch her again in any way unless it is with her explicit permission - something you should have waited for in the first place. If I find out you disregarded this warning, all the gods of the North and the South combined won't be enough to hide you from my wrath. And make no mistake: this was a warning. Your first and last one. You don't want to know what I'll do to you when I'm done warning."

A Champion of Light and Lions (Cersei Lannister x OC)Where stories live. Discover now