5. I need to know!

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I walk back into my new apartment

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I walk back into my new apartment. The one I bought 2 weeks ago.

The first week after Amara left Acharya Mansion, I could do nothing but feel the pain this house had given her. I could only think about the times my parents had humiliated her and made her feel bad. I can only remember how she bowed her head down and followed it all.

I could only remember the times I tried to fight for her respect but it was all in vain. Because I was never concerned worthy enough to have a opinion. To my mother I was nothing but the fruit of her abuse and to my father I was nothing but his only legitimate heir.

And sometimes, sometimes all I had wished was to be the son my father wanted me to be. If... If it meant they would treat Amara right.
If it meant that they would treat her right.

But I knew them all too well. They could never treat anyone in this entire world right. That i s just the kind of subhumans they are.

Acharya Mansion reminded me off all the times, I failed to protect my wife's honour when she wasn't in the wrong.
Acharya Mansion reminded me off all the times, I failed to understand my wife when she wasn't in the wrong.
Acharya Mansion reminded me off all the times, I failed to trust my wife when she wasn't in the wrong.

The reason of all your miseries is none other than me.

My inability to keep the promise I made.
My inability to give you the life you deserved.
My inability to take a stand for you.

Amara... Losing you feels like losing the only part of me that was living in a life I never wanted. And the worse part is that I loved you. I always did but it was always overpowered by other emotions I felt for you.

Entering this apartment helped me breathe.
Breathe knowing that you had not shed a single tear in here.

To be able to fool myself that I can live a life of peace in your absence.
Without you here anymore princess.

I truly and utterly feel lonely for the first time in my life.

Losing you was all it took for me to realise the value you had in my life.

And it hurts.
It hurts so much.

Every breath feels heavy.

Every heartbeat feels out of tune slowly dulling into a lul. That never beat before you.
How could my heart beat? How could I have a heart?
When all that our relationship was your heart.

And as I sloppily slide into my seat with the demand draft of my next book. I look at the blankness of the screen.

How could I write?
How could I type a single word?
How could I think of anything without being filled with the pain filled memories you brought back?

I take another sip of my undiluted whiskey. Letting it burn my throat and the lining if my walls before it turned into a dull ache to feel my heart.

I still remember the first book I wrote about. It was about the girl who had everything. It was the perfect fairytale with the twist that the perfect princess was not as happy as she showed herself to be. And the pain that the fortune she had brought to her life.

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