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Wukong squirmed, uncomfortable in the train. Macaque squeezed his arm in silent reassurance, eyes trained solely on the team. The king stared at the other's hoodie, smiling to himself. The warrior's was a dark, almost-black purple with red swirls on the sleeves and the pocket was a matching shade of crimson.

It suited him.

The vehicle eventually came to a stop, and the king stumbled out in a daze. He knew where the third ring was, of course he did. But he couldn't exactly say much. Although the curse was being more lenient with him...

MK turned to his mentor, "You hid this one, right? So, where is it?" Wukong looked around blankly, struggling to read the signs. He was trying to locate the giant lantern, and was growing stressed as the words jumbled in his eyes.

Wukong could read, he enjoyed it, even. But the Chinese language had changed drastically over the years, and it didn't help that he was constantly told he was born stupid. He didn't understand metaphors, and he struggled to read without jumbling the words or misspelling them, but he wasn't a moron.

Still, the modern writing was strange to him. And he didn't have the time nor patience to slowly read over each sign.

The king groaned, "I threw it in the middle of the city, and the locals clearly think it was a gift. So it must be somewhere flashy and big." MK nodded along, reading over the signs with more ease than the ginger monkey, "Uhhh... Smarty Boy time! So, one ring plus one ring is..."

He walked aimlessly, walking up a familiar set of stairs as the others followed. MK suddenly gasped, pointing at a giant lantern, "Two rings, and two plus two is three! That's where the third ring is!"

Everyone shot the boy a look, but didn't comment on his math. Mei simply applauded him, cheering him on. Macaque leaned over, whispering to Wukong, "You aren't the best at reading, and the kid is bad at math. You two really are meant to be." The king choked down a laugh, clearing his throat instead.

Tang picked up a poster, "Hey, it says you can win it in a Talent Show." The scholar frowned, "...We could just steal it, tho--" Macaque huffed, "I bet we can win it. Who can perform?" Sandy beamed, "Pigsy is a beautiful singer-!"

The chef squealed in betrayal, and the giant smiled sheepishly, "I'm sorry, but it's true! His voice could serenade angels!" Macaque nodded, "Okay, so here's the plan. We perform. Wukong and Glasses over there can sneak into the lantern and take it, deal?"

Wukong nearly sobbed in relief. He did not want to reenact performing on stage again.

MK pouted, eyeing his mentor, "Aw, I wanted to act with you, too!" Mei sighed, "Yeah! And his makeup look would've been totally cool!" Wukong laughed nervously, pulling at his hoodie, "Sorry, but I've got a tad too much stagefright for that."

Mei gawked, "You know what? That actually makes sense." Macaque laughed, giving the king a teasing smirk, "You should've seen him when we were younger-!" Wukong turned bright red, "ALRIGHTY! Who's ready to head out?!"


Tang whined about his ankles, giving the monkey a pleading stare. Wukong sighed, bending his knees slightly, "Fine, you can get on."

The scholar gladly received a piggy back ride, watching in awe as the monkey climbed up to the lantern. The music echoed out beautifully, and the ginger focused solely on the lantern. They entered the structure, and Tang hopped off of the king's back. Funny how his ankles didn't protest.

"There it is!"

The ring was on a column that resembled the two winding bodies of golden dragons. It gleamed, as if it lit up the lantern dutifully.

Wukong stepped forward, hands out and ready. A cold chill suddenly blew down on them, causing Tang to yelp as Wukong scrambled closer to the pillar.

Ice split out, tripping the sage and sending him to the edge. Tang screeched, diving out of the way as a deranged figure appeared, "Your majesty! Fancy meeting you here." Wukong snarled, glaring at the man before him, "Tang. Get the ring."

He then launched himself at the thrall, claws sinking into freezing limbs as he sent them crashing back. Tang scrambled for even footing, shooting his hands out. Glowing magic split the ice, making way for the scholar as he scrambled for the ring.

Wukong yowled as ice grabbed onto his fur and skin, splitting it as if he'd fallen against a cliffside. The Thrall tilted his head, "Now, you don't really think you're winning, do you?" Ice moved along the inside of the large structure, threatening to swallow them all whole.

The king pulled away, pushing the man aside as he ran to Tang. The scholar held up the ring, wheezing slightly in fear as the ginger grabbed him with bloodied arms, sending him down, "Get it to the others, now!" Tang screeched as he fell out, and Wukong exhaled softly as he watched Pigsy catch the nerd.

"And now what, Great Sage?" The Thrall was standing once more, "You cannot escape destiny."

Wukong stood straight, crimson sheen dripping past his fingertips and onto the ice below. His warm breath formed into fog as he exhaled slowly, almost eerily calmly. The king smiled, "And what if destiny has it written that your lady dies in the end?"

The man froze, smile stuck in place as he seemed to think over the other's words. Wukong smiled smugly, "Sorry, bud, gotta go!" He leaped down, landing unsteadily on the stage.

The team dragged him backstage immediately, and they looked over his frostbitten arms. Wukong tried to argue, "We need to go to the summit! Guys--" Macaque frowned, glancing up, "...She's here."


The train ride was quiet, and the king stared at the end of the vehicle intently.

Pigsy cleared his throat, "So, that mountain summit... That's where Mei'll get the fire?" Wukong nodded, "Supposedly, yeah." His fur stood on end, his mostly-healed cuts tightening as he tensed his body. MK squeaked, "Monkey King-?"

The train was torn open by pink petals, revealing a figure, "Sun Wukong, hand over the rings!" Macaque moved, startling everyone as he used his shadows to send the prince soaring away from them. He turned to the group, eyes narrowed, "GO. I'll keep him at bay!"

Wukong nodded, watching as the warrior sank into his shadow.


Macaque yelled, dodging expert blows, "You can't stop this, Nezha!"

The prince grunted, spear flying out of his grasp, "That fire can destroy EVERYTHING! You can't just summon it!" The monkey suddenly yowled as ice erupted from the mountain they were close to, and the mist cleared away.

They were encased in ice.

Macaque looked up, breathing hard as a dress fluttered before them His eyes narrowed, and Nezha stared with wide, unblinking eyes.

"Greetings, my Champion." The demoness smiled sweetly, bending down swiftly. Her hands brushed against the monkey's fur, causing him to hiss. Lady Bone Demon hummed, "My...It seems someone has weakened my hold... We can't have that."

Nezha stared in horror as she grinned, blue whisps of freezing magic dissipating into the warrior's head as he screamed. 

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