Ch. 18

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Of course, he does. Of course. Cashe should have known that it was too good to be true. He almost had a positive image of the man. "And how did you manage to get them in?"

"Anoptica said it was cool."

"I see. So, a trillion dollar company advocated for drug use on a Mars mission?"

"Well, yes and no. When they mentioned that we would have limited alcohol, like the beer, I asked about weed, which is known to have medicinal benefits. They weren't totally for it, but said they would deliberate on the subject. The point is, marijuana  could have a positive effect on colonists who are over-stressed, and it can be grown, not shipped in. Also, I'm pretty sure the guy who interviewed me smoked."

That, Cashe could easily believe. He knew that many in tech used hallucinogens, and that pot usage was pretty widely spread in the community. "Go on."

"The guy told me they couldn't advocate smoking, but that if some managed to get into the habitat, there wouldn't be much they could do. He said they'd see what public sentiment was worldwide, and that if I did use, that I had better make sure I was not in the open. He also said that by doing so, being caught by those in the control rooms might compromise my chance at the Mars mission, so I said I'd be careful."

"They said it may cost you a chance to go to Mars," Cashe said, "and you brought it anyway."

"I was careful and hid it in the books I brought. I also haven't used since I got here, but I don't see the issue now." Dante waved to the dead cameras. "What I'm saying is, I brought some in baggies with paper, but I also brought seeds."

"So you want to turn the hydroponics lab into a grow farm."

"I am not saying that. I am saying that the company allowed us to have alcohol and implied we could have marijuana on a Mars colony under certain circumstances, and not solely for recreational use. I'm sure they weren't expecting us to smoke non-stop, but its usage is turning mainstream and they may have wished to show that a new planet would be different."

The man continued to advocate for the wacky weed while Cashe considered how much of his story might be true. Cashe could appreciate Dante's argument to a point. If an American company launched into space with marijuana seeds and grew them on another planet, who was to call it illegal? Under what jurisdiction? No one would dare take on the megacorporation on a minor issue that has a majority of public support. Doing something that flaunted their power in front of government agencies? It wasn't just something Anoptica might do; it was something they were already known to do.

"So, I'd like to maybe use one of the hydroponics beds to grow some of these. Anyone have a problem if I do that? All in favor?" Dante put his hand up.

Miranda thought before doing likewise. "The ability to grow sedatives could be to an advantage, if we don't expect any help for some time. If we have the resources, I don't see the harm."

Karina shrugged. "I'm okay with it. I have plenty of room for one small bed to grow, but I don't know anything about what they need, and I don't know if Anoptica has the research on how to grow pot."

"I brought some info, just in case," Dante said.

"And I used to work in a growhouse in California," Alan volunteered, raising his hand. "I am sure I picked up a few things."

He listed nitrogen and other chemicals. Meanwhile, Cashe pondered. Was this the type of non-linear thinking that Anoptica wanted? Would they think the group was growing medicine or growing pot? He didn't know what they wanted, so he compromised.

"We agreed that all decisions should be unanimous, or without dissent. I do not know if this is in the best interest, but if the agriculturalist and the medical professional agree, and this is more from their knowledge base than mine. I will not dissent. I abstain."

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