Ch. 6 - Part II - Show Time

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The round of introductions replayed and Cashe noticed that he was not portrayed poorly, having inadvertently smiled at some point. Each of the colonists were shown with their names and titles underneath. The others fidgeted as their profiles appeared and the narrator explained their backgrounds.

Dante was first, with his photo on the left and his resume to the right. His face appeared normal, even handsome, and Cashe could have sworn that the image was too good, as if Anoptica had applied computer-generated touch-ups. Miranda's photo was professional with that warm, happy smile that all heads of HR used in their profiles to convince saps to open up so they'd snitch out their co-workers. Karina's image was the opposite, and Cashe imagined the photographer struggling with dozens of takes to get one that appeared the slightest way personable. Cashe himself looked happy, but this was reasonable, for the photo shoot was confirmation that he had been accepted, and he remembered standing there anticipating how much money he could make. Lia, for her part, looked neither happy nor sad, merely accepting, as if she were there because she was supposed to be. Cashe didn't recognize most of the certifications and awards mentioned, but the lengthy accomplishments in so few years impressed him further with her.

Roger's profile trudged in last as deserved, and the man squealed and bounced in his seat, pointing at the screen as the words, Dr. Roger Borschmann, geologist, appeared. "That's me! That's me!"

"You never mentioned you were in the military, Rog," Dante said.

Cashe noted this on Roger's short resume, horrifying him with the thought that this thing had been safeguarding his freedoms. The years overlapped with Roger's time in college, which he clarified with a shrug. "The Army paid for my schooling during my service. I don't like talking about it. Seen some stuff. Classified."

This made more sense in Cashe's mind. He knew the armed forces would cover tuition for the enlisted. If Cashe had been Roger's commanding officer, he would have looked for any way to get the geologist out of his platoon for the sake of his fellow soldiers and national security. They probably kept offering free degrees to keep him off base and a gun from his hands.

The greetings over and their changing complete, Dante was shown waving his hand and said, "Let's check out our new home. Come on." The rest followed and the camera shot broke away before showing Cashe diverting towards the sleeping quarters. The camera displayed a panoramic view of the facility. Dante, Miranda, and Lia were in one scene marveling at the place before Roger and Miranda were shown looking about. Cashe was next seen admiring everything, which must have been a clip they pulled from later to appear that he had joined the group. He wasn't pleased they had done that, but he understood the need to display a good dynamic amongst the members for publicity's sake.

They were shown unpacking before Dante spoke. "I was thinking that we take a few moments to decompress from all the excitement and meet one another."

The next scenes were of them listening to Dante's horseshit speech. The video editors did an amazing job. They have caught each colonist when they were smiling or focused. When it came to Cashe, the two seconds they cut to him looked as if he was enraptured by the chemist's platitudes. He didn't remember that happening. The only time he recalled being that fixated at the table was when he was trying to figure out what the hell Roger slopped on his shirt.

The scene ended with Dante holding his mug aloft as the image merged into instances of their settling in and establishing territories before the group meal. He announced, "In addition to being a chemist, I'm somewhat of an amateur chef." He pulled out six round pans from the oven. "Hot, hot, hot," he said. "Everyone pick a seat. I'll bring them over momentarily."

"Pizza?" Roger asked. "Awesome. What kind?"

"Each has been made to your personal preferences," Dante said with a smile. "Sit. Enjoy." He served the rest as they sat, then held up gloved fingers and said, "Wait," before running to the refrigerator and coming back with a six-pack of beer and a single water.

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