The First Change Of Corazon

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As I reflect on the passing month, a sigh escapes my lips, echoing through the abandoned village.

It's hard to comprehend how everything has ended up like this. My successful experiments on the flesh were a source of excitement and joy for me; a way to push the boundaries of magic and witness my power grow... that was supposed to be how I felt.

But recently, something has changed... and I am unsure what exactly is it that changed. I'm not feeling like myself these days... am I perhaps...

...It's probably nothing...?

...Days were spent fueling the flesh with magical energy, my command over magic improving with each passing moment. As my magic improves, I feel my mental self changing, I'm not only thinking differently, but I feel like I've become... human?

I was so trapped in my pursuit of finding out what was happening to me that I failed to notice the transformation of the flesh into a blond elf until that fateful moment.

To be honest, I was taken aback to see that pile of flesh return to its original form even though that was... wait, that was my goal? Why was that my goal instead of a selfish one?

Attempting to brush off the situation lightly, still battling with myself on whether I was okay, I bid the blond elf farewell, suggesting that she was now a free elf with a bright future ahead.

However, she insisted on repaying me for saving her life, a life I had no involvement in saving. It's better for me to leave her be. It was merely happenstance....

Was it? Wasn't my goal to save her in the first... place? Why was... my goal... wait, didn't I already have a mental debate just a few seconds ago about my goal in all this?

It was definitely for power... yeah... for power.. not anything else... Hmm.

Despite my initial inclination to abandon her, I made the decision to designate her as my Shadowbroker Subordinate A.

There was a sense of trust and intelligence within her that made me believe she wouldn't betray me. It's curious, though; she seems to harbor an abundance of talent beyond her ten years of age. Indeed, she serves as proof that elves develop mentally faster than humans.

"And from this day forward, you shall be known as Alpha," I declare, masking my internal turmoil and possible signs of me going insane with an air of authority.

She nods in understanding, her blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin epitomizing the stereotypical image of an elf.

"And your role shall be..." I pause for a moment, pondering how best to answer such a crucial question. The task at hand is for her to serve as the assistant to a shadow commander, my shadow commander.

Crafting a compelling narrative is vital. It wouldn't bode well if my ambitions were revealed to be as mundane as a quest for revenge in a pachinko game.

No, I must choose carefully, drawing from my vast collection of daydreams and fantasies, bringing to life the perfect scenario for this occasion... but... this is a different world isn't it? Let's be realistic here, anything can happen.

Wasn't she... a blob of flesh a few minutes ago? Blond of flesh... blob of flesh... magical overload... similar... cage... bandits... bandits?

Many bandits together equal organisation. Organisation equals something fishy. Fishy organisation equals evil weirdos. Evil weirdos equals Cult.

The math checks out. The perfect and most realistic scenario for a world like this.

"To hide in the shadows and prevent the resurrection of Diablos the demon," I proclaim with a certain gravitas. This is the plot, and I'm going to make it work.

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