Nice To Meet You, But It's Even Better To Meet Me

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I stroll down the shady alley, following the noise of a duel. When I track it to its origin, I find myself in the heart of the dim alley.

Two shadowy knights are locked in a fierce fight. No doubt in my mind, one of them is Alexia, wearing a school uniform and a short skirt. But the other is a mysterious man in a black mask.

I sneak up to a rooftop and secretly observe them from above.

"Quit already! You don't stand a chance," Alexia taunts.

She seems to have the upper hand. The masked man isn't weak, but he can't even touch Alexia, who has gotten really good with her recent training.

His black coat is ripped and his blood stains the cobblestones a dark red. The winner will be determined with one final push.

"Why do you harm innocent people? Is that why you fight?" Alexia questions.

"We are Shadow Garden..."

Just now, the jet-black man definitely said, "Shadow Garden."

"Is that all you can say? Is this what that man Shadow truly wants?" Alexia challenges.

"We are Shadow Garden..." the jet-black man repeats. Why is this guy pretending to be part of Shadow Garden?... who am I kidding, I know why.


"It's game over for you," Alexia declares.

She sends his sword flying, clanging onto the cobblestone road. Suddenly—

"...Ugh!" Alexia dodges a surprise attack from behind.

She blocks another quick strike, kicks the assailant in the stomach, and swiftly retreats. She glares at her new opponents, catching her breath.

There are two more dark knights dressed in jet-black. Alexia clicks her tongue as she watches the first man raise his sword.

That's three of them, and she figures they're all tough. Against one of them, she could win easily. She might be able to take down two. But fighting against three opponents is...

"It's not very fair to have three of you against a delicate girl," she remarks. She hope they give her a response.

"How about three one-on-one battles? Or is that not allowed?" she suggests.

They slowly encircle her from all sides. She makes sure her back is protected as she edges away.

"We are Shadow Garden..."

One man approaches her from behind, and she keeps him in check with her eyes. Their swords move with small gestures as they try to figure out each other's intentions.

"Oh my. Aren't you going to turn around? I think you should," Alexia smirks.

Her crimson eyes shimmer in the moonlight.

"Because there's a gorgeous lady right here."


She got him.

Alexia moves swiftly, bringing her blade down to slice through her clueless opponent who turned back to look.

𝘋𝘪𝘦. She doesn't say it out loud, but her sneer says it all. She tears through his black cloak, splattering fresh blood.

But the cut isn't deep enough. She just needs one more strike to finish him...

And in that moment, Alexia receives a blow to her stomach.


A black boot slams into her side, and she can hear her ribs snapping upon impact. As she coughs up blood and swings her weapon, she thrusts her sword into the black boot.

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