The Girl From The Academy Of Science And Her Cookies

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After that whole ordeal with Claire, I found myself walking down an empty corridor, having promised Claire that I would treat her to some sweets later. I always enjoyed spoiling her for some inexplicable reason.

As I pondered over what surprise I should accompany the treats with, I was suddenly interrupted by a timid voice.


I turned around and immediately recognized her as the person I had randomly given my spare chocolate.

"Oh, are you here to thank me? There's no need to, really."

"A-ah.. yes, I-"

"Take your time."

"...I- I watched your fight.."

"Oh, really? I didn't win, though."

"But- I think it was.. pretty cool how you held your own against her..."

Pretty cool? Well, thank you! That made me extremely happy.

"It was? Thanks, I guess..."

"..I don't usually watch battles, so..."

Hah, so it was her first time witnessing a battle, and she thought mine was pretty cool.

That must mean I'm pretty damn cool myself.

"I... here..." She timidly held out a small pouch. Why was she acting like that? If she kept it up, I might just pat her head.

"Mm? What's this?"

"I baked you... cookies.. in return for th-"

"Ah, you didn't need to do that..." I could go for some cookies, but I wasn't really hungry.

"B-but..." Why was she looking down like that? Poor thing. Alright, I'll take your damn cookies.

"Hey... I didn't say I wasn't going to take it." And just like that, I snatched the pouch from her hands.

"I.. um... If- if you wouldn't mind... I'd like to start as friends!"

"Hm? Sure, we can be friends. No problem."


I nod.

"Thank you! I- I did it, Foster Father! I made a friend!"

I followed her gaze and sure enough, a middle-aged man was standing there. I had noticed him before, but I thought he was just some old guy. But now that I paid more attention, he looked familiar.

Black, slicked-back hair with grey streaks, and a slender figure. Isn't this...

"Assistant Principal Lutheran..."

Ah, so this adorable little mess is... "Sherry Barnett...?"

My luck is... incredible. It surprises even me sometimes.

"You must be Cid Kagenou," Assistant Principal Lutheran says, standing beside Sherry.

"Yes," I reply.

"Any injuries?" he asks.

"None that I know of. Perhaps she went easy on me?" Yes, just like that I make people underestimate me.

The assistant principal strokes his chin, silently confirming my suspicion. "Yes, I think Rose was holding back. But you must go get a check-up to be sure of anything you don't know."

"Yes, absolutely," I quickly agree, even though I have no intention of doing so.

Lutheran nods and places a comforting hand on Sherry's shoulder. "This girl always has her nose in her research, so she doesn't have many friends."

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