Claire Kagenou, My Dearest Older Sister

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As he walks through the dimly lit underground tunnel, the man's confident presence fills the space. His appearance suggests he's in his late thirties, with piercing eyes, a well-built physique, and sleek, slicked-back grey hair.

Reaching the end of the tunnel, flanked by two soldiers, he issues a direct command. "The daughter of Baron Kagenou," he instructs.

With a respectful bow, one of the soldiers quickly responds, "Right away, sir." Unlocking the door, he leads the way into a stone dungeon where a girl is shackled to the wall with formidable magic chains.

"You must be Claire Kagenou," the man asserts, his voice strong and commanding.

Claire lifts her gaze upon hearing her name, looking directly into the man's eyes. She is stunning, clothed in a delicate negligee that reveals her alluring figure, while her long black hair falls elegantly down her back.

A defiant gleam appears in Claire's eyes as she retaliates, "I've seen you around the capital. You're Viscount Grease, aren't you?"

With a hint of humility, the man responds, "Oh, well, I used to be a royal guard... or maybe you caught sight of me at the Bushin Festival."

A smirk dances across Claire's lips as she recalls the past. "Ah, yes, the tournament. Princess Iris really handed you a defeat, didn't she?"

Dismissing her remark, the man displays confidence. "Tournament rules can be deceiving. I assure you, I would never lose to her in a true battle."

Claire counters with her own taunt, "But you would have lost then and now, Viscount Grease... a first-round flunker."

Annoyance creeps onto the man's face as he retorts, "Enough of your insolence. A young one like you could never understand the struggles it takes to reach the finals."

Unyielding, Claire maintains her defiant glare. "I'll prove you wrong within a year."

However, the man's response carries a foreboding tone. "I hate to break it to you, but time is not on your side."

Suddenly, the chains binding Claire rattle violently as she lunges toward the man, her teeth grazing the back of his neck. A quick movement saves him from a potentially fatal injury, as she narrowly misses severing his carotid artery.

In a chilling challenge, Claire provokes him, "Shall we see who won't see another year? Care to test it out?"

Determined to take control, the man firmly declares, "You won't be testing anything, Claire Kagenou."

Claire's laughter fills the stone dungeon as his punch lands, forcefully slamming her against the wall. Undeterred, her unwavering gaze never leaves the man.

As his second punch fails to connect, a smirk emerges on Claire's face.

"Jumping backwards now, huh?"

Fearlessly, she taunts, "Oh, I thought you were simply trying to swat a fly."

"Hmph. I guess you're not letting your strong magical powers overwhelm you," Grease remarks, observing Claire intently.

"I learned that it's all about how you use magic, not how much," Claire replies confidently.

"Your father taught you well," Grease acknowledges.

"Baldy didn't teach me a thing. I'm talking about my brother," Claire reveals mischievously.

"Your brother...?" Grease is curious.

"He's a cheeky one. I win every time we battle, but I'm the one learning from his techniques, not the other way around, but I still bet he'd beat you. " Claire explains, a playful grin on her face.

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