The Man Clad In Black And The Garden He Planted

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I found myself confined in a room that resembled more of a detention cell than anything else.

After enduring five days of 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, I was finally released in the evening. As I was forcefully pushed out of the building, my suitcase was callously thrown behind me.

Standing there in nothing but my underwear, I quickly rummaged through my belongings to find clothes and shoes. It took me a while to dress myself, perhaps because of my Fingernails that had been ripped off during my time in captivity.

Once I was finally dressed, I let out a heavy sigh and began walking. It was clear that I stood out among the bustling crowd on the busy street. My body was battered and covered in my own dried blood. I could heal myself immediately, but I have to give off the illusion that I've been... you know.

As I exhaled once more, my vision cleared, allowing me to take in my surroundings more attentively. I could sense unfamiliar shadows lingering behind me.

"Two of them are tailing me," I thought to myself.

The kidnapper responsible for Alexia's disappearance had not been captured, leaving her well-being uncertain.

Just because I had been released didn't mean everything was suddenly peaceful and bright. The authorities simply lacked enough evidence to convict me, and my name remained tarnished with suspicion.

Ignoring that, I trudged back to my dorm room. I pretended to hang my head low, feigning exhaustion. Anyhow, I still have a mission to accomplish-

"Later..." a hushed voice whispered.

The words reached my ears, accompanied by a delicate fragrance that triggered a sense of familiarity.


"I see." I couldn't help myself from smiling a bit. It's been a while. I'll be seeing you later...


"Alpha..." I whispered, acknowledging her presence in the room.

As I switched on the lights, the dimness of my dorm room slowly faded away, revealing a familiar figure standing in the shadows. It was Alpha, dressed in a sleek black suit that hugged her curves, emphasizing her femininity.

In her hand, she held out a sandwich from the renowned Tuna King restaurant, a gesture of kindness that made my stomach rumble with hunger.

"You must be famished," her voice was soft and soothing.

Gratefully, I accepted the sandwich, savoring every bite as it brought nourishment to my weary body. As I ate, a wave of curiosity washed over me, prompting me to inquire about Beta, the usual person assigned to assist me.

"Thanks, Alpha. It's been a while. Where's Beta?" I asked.

Right now, deep down, I couldn't deny the comfort and familiarity that came with Alpha's presence.

"She reached out to me. It's quite a complicated situation," Alpha responded, settling herself on the edge of the bed.

I couldn't help but admire Alpha's golden locks cascading down her back and her eyes, a striking shade of blue, which held a newfound maturity since our last encounter.

"How have you been?" I inquired, taking a sip of the water she had also brought for me.

"I'm doing well. But I can't say the same for you... never mind," Alpha replied, her voice laced with uncertainty.

"I assure you, I'm as fine as can be," I assured her, though a lingering doubt remained.

Silence enveloped us, each lost in our own thoughts, until Alpha broke the stillness with a question.

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