For a Brighter Smile on Her Face

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Rose gazes intently at the mysterious figures cloaked in black, her honey-colored eyes fixed on their every move.

Hours have passed since she was brought into the dimly lit auditorium, the sun long gone and the warm glow from the ceiling providing the only source of light.

With a small concealed knife, Rose manages to free herself from the restraints that bind her arms.

However, she chooses to keep up the charade, pretending to still be bound. Passing the knife discreetly to a fellow student in the Student Council, who then passes it along to the next person in line, Rose bides her time. She knows that making a move now would be futile.

Her enemies, though few in number, possess an overwhelming amount of power that cannot be underestimated.

Among them, Rex, a man of immense strength, and his superior officer, Sir Gaunt, reign supreme. The professors who dared to oppose them have met a tragic fate. Even if the hostages possessed magical abilities, their chances of victory would be uncertain at best.

Fortunately, Rex has been absent for a while. Rose hopes that he has met his demise at the hands of the Knight Order, but she knows that a formidable warrior like him cannot be easily defeated.

Rose knows that she needs to improve the situation before his return.

While Sir Gaunt spends most of his time in the waiting room, he occasionally makes his presence known in the auditorium, searching for Rex.

Under his breath, he curses Rex for his prolonged absence.

Judging by his appearance and the dense aura of magic surrounding him, Rose believes that Sir Gaunt surpasses even the most skilled fighters. He might even have the power to topple Iris Midgar, although Rose refuses to fully accept that possibility. If it is true, Rose's chances of defeating him, even if she regains her own magic, are exceedingly slim.

Nevertheless, Rose knows that now is not the opportune moment to make her move.

However, the reality of the situation is that time is running out. With each passing minute, Rose feels her own magic slipping away. She can't explain why, but she suspects it is connected to the phenomenon that blocks their powers.

While Rose herself still feels far from weak, the other students with less magic are beginning to fall ill. In a few more hours, some of them may even succumb to magic deficiency, forever losing their ability to fight back.

As panic and unease threaten to consume her, Rose recalls the selfless act of the boy who sacrificed himself to save her.

A fire burns within her, a determination to honour his memory and not let his wishes be forgotten. With this promise echoing in her mind, Rose waits patiently for the opportune moment to take action.







And at that very moment, out of nowhere, the entire auditorium is bathed in a luminous, radiant white light.

Rose, caught completely off guard, reacts on pure instinct, not even giving herself a moment to think. It doesn't matter to her where the light came from; her every fiber is telling her that this is her one and only chance.

While the crowd remains enthralled by the blinding brilliance, Rose narrows her eyes and charges towards one of her captors. And in an instant, as she grips his vulnerable neck, a sudden realization washes over her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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