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"Come on y/n its already 9:30" Tara whined from the other end of the bed.
Tara is one of my newest friends , we met a while ago at a party and grew pretty close . I havent met many of her friends but I assume they are all cool people. Those friends i have met were very sweet even though im pretty quiet. Tara is one of those girls who is just stunning, everything about her is beautiful. Well everything except her whining. She has been begging me to go to this party all day and i don't really know how i feel about it. Tara has quite a big following on all of her socials and everyone loves her , So i know this isn't just any party . It's going to be full of big names and famous faces. I am not a huge party person in general. I'm pretty shy and socially awkward, I get nervous talking to new people especially when they have entire fandoms. I'm going to suck at up this once for Tara though, She has really been looking forward to tonight.
"okay okay let me change" i smile and sigh . I walk over to my closet and throw on a black tank top and black skinny jeans with rips in the thighs. I rummage around a little until i find my belt and begin putting it on , it has metal stars all around it and matches the star clips i'm going to use in my hair .
"Y/nnn wear this!" Tara spins around waiving a zip up jacket at me its black and has a patch of Gir from invader zim on the back. I roll my eyes and toss it in the closet laughing out
"Girl i am not wearing that to a party" i grab a black jacket, it has a skeleton rib design on the front. I slip my sneakers on and put my hair up.
"Uber is here babes , lets gooooo" Tara giggles out pulling me outside to the uber. On the way there we talked about who would be there , "jake , sam and colby, JC , johnnie ..." Tara keeps rambling out names. The only person i've met from her list was Jake. That is Taras ex boyfriend but they are still pretty close friends. we had lunch with him a few days ago . I've heard alot about Johnnie , that is jakes best friend. He sounds like a sweet guy. I love JC and of course Kian , I would definitely fangirl if i met them. "Kian..." she continued til the ride stopped.

    "ready?" i smile at Tara and she laughed back getting out and pulling me along with her. We were in front of a large house , we could hear music but very slightly. I took a big gulp as we reached the door . Tara introduced me to many people.
"This is Sam" she said pointing to an adorable blonde and he smiles at me , "This is colby" Colby turns around and looks at us
"OMG TARA IS THIS Y/N??? WE FINALLY GET TO MEET HER!" Colby practically screams and Tara nods and laughs. We all talk and greet eachother a little longer. Sam and Colby are both very sweet boys. Sam is adorable and very kind and Colby is funny but sweet. They are pretty cool.
I look around and see Jake walking towards us followed by another man, The other guy was beautiful. His hair was messy and perfect at the same time, he had dark makeup around his eyes making them stand out more then they already did, and one of the most adorable nervous smiles i have ever seen.
"and this is johnnie" says Jake nudging me snapping me out of my daze "Uh hi johnnie i'm y/n" i smile and quickly look away.
"Hey i'm gonna go get a new drink ill catch you later y/n" Tara says walking away and Jake following. Leaving me and Johnnie standing there awkwardly silent.

"So I have heard quite a bit about you, Tara loves you." Johnnie says so nervously his voice is scratchy .
"Wow" i laugh a little "yeah ive heard about you too" i say rubbing my arm . we chat for a little bit longer and i look around. "Hey it's getting kinda loud in here if you wanted to keep talking we could go out back?" I smile awkwardly.
"Oh uh , yeah i'd love to but let me get a drink, You want one too?" he says leaning in slightly so i can hear. I nod and he walks in front with me following. Once we get into the kitchen he grabs to red solo cups and pours stuff into them. I normally don't care for drinking but it definitely helps me open up a bit more around strangers. Johnnie hands me one of the cups and laughs, his laugh is so adorable. I blush a little and look away.
"Thank you" i giggle
"Your welcome beautiful" he smiles back . i am definitely blushing now . We walk to the backyard and sit around a fire. we talk for a few hours about random things. Every once and a while someone would join us and Jake and Tara came over every so often . Tara kept giving me the side eye like googley eyed . Everytime she did it i felt my face get red .I really enjoyed talking with him, he was pretty interesting plus hes super attractive.

Soon everyone starts leaving and there is just a small group of people left. Jake comes back over and he's definitely drunk. He's practically stumbling around all the way over here . He begins yelling "Hey y/n Tara is going to stay at our place tonight, Do you want to join us ?" I don't think he realizes how loud he is being . "Its just going to be me ,you ,Tara and Johnnie"
"No I'm okay, I really need to shower and what not" I smile , It was just an excuse. I barely know Jake and I literally met Johnnie today. That would just be super awkward and stuff sleeping at their house.

     About thirty minutes later i get home, Me and Tara are roommates . The entire ride home i stalk all of Johnnies socials, I didn't follow any of them because i didn't want to seem creepy or anything. We have been living together for about two weeks now and this is my first time spending the night completely alone. I walk in and head straight to my bedroom. I grab a baggy tee shirt and men's underwear and jump in the shower. While im in the shower my phone bings

* Tara<3: hey sorry i left you aloneee , we miss you!!!*

     I begin typing a reply out and get another notification.

*JohnnieGuilbert has requested to follow you*

I smile and finish texting Tara back . I put my phone down and finish up my shower . I dry off and get dressed. I grab a water from the kitchen and head back to my room. I take a drink and toss it at the top of my bed next to my pillow followed by me plopping on my bed and gettin on my phone. The first thing I did was accept Johnnies follow request and follow him back. I tried to play it cool like i didn't care by giving it a few minutes before accepting it but it secretly was so hard not to immediately text him. I put my phone on the charger and turn my light off . I sit up on the edge of my bed just thinking for a minute about tonight. I really like Johnnie , hes sweet, funny , very good looking and just over all an amazing person. I really look forward to gettin to know him more. I smile and lay back down , rolling over i start dozing off and hear my phone go off again i assume it was Tara and shrug it off. Going to sleep.


       •1330 words•
        I haven't wrote any fanfics in a while so be patient plzzzzz. and give any suggestions lovelys  <333

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