•a sweet treat•

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       Its been a little bit since Johnnie told me how he felt , it's actually been about two weeks. We have been hanging out quite a bit and we have had four sleepovers. I love our sleep overs, Johnnie feels so safe . This week is going to be a little busy , Jake and Johnnie have a few videos they want to do and Johnnie asked me to tag along. Today is supposed to be relaxed though. Me and Tara went to the grocery store this morning and tonight we are going over to their house for a video. We are going to have a bake off. I'm pretty excited because it's been a whole 24 hours since i last seen Johnnie. I know we aren't actually dating yet but he is so addictive. I want to be with him every single second.

      While me and Tara are on our way to the guys my phone starts ringing and theres a raspy sleepy voice coming from the other end when i answer.

    "Are you guys on the way yet?" oh me oh my Johnnies sleepy voice is so attractive.

    "Yes idiot Wake up" Tara says loudly , Im pretty sure she was trying to hint that Johnnie was on speakerphone since he was connected to my car.

     "Y/n tell your friend to lose her tude before you walk in." Johnnie responds in a fake crybaby voice.

    "Okay we are pulling in now" i laugh and hang it up.

     When we walk in Tara walks straight in the kitchen and starts setting stuff up. I make my way to Johnnies room and knock on his door.

    "Come on in , Its open." i can hear him walking around. When the door opens i see Johnnie standing there with messy hair and sleepy eyes. He doesn't have a shirt on and I just look at all his tattoos.

    "Wow y/n Take a picture it lasts longer" He says this in a sassy voice and starts posing like an idiot. I just laugh and enjoy the view .

        "Come on stupid we are waiting on you" i say sitting on his bed and looking around. His room isnt messy but theres clothes on the ground and his blankets tossed around.

      Johnnie grabs a shirt and walks towards the door, I stand up ready to follow him out but he instead pushes it shut and turns around.

       "ahh i just missed you so much" He says in an adorable whiney voice while tackling me in a hug back onto his bed. I can't help but laugh. After he stands up I quickly pull my shirt down , it got slightly pulled up revealing part of my stomach. Johnnie notices and turns all the way towards me. He grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet and in front of the mirror. Standing behind me he leans in and looks me up in down through the mirror.

      "Absolutely mesmerizing y/n" He smiles and pulls my shirt up ever so slightly.

     "still mesmerizing. You are beautiful and every part of you is gorgeous okay?" He says softly in a whisper right next to me ear. Placing his hands on my hips he spins me around to face him.

     "okay?" He asks again. Me and Johnnie have talked about my insecurities before, but this is the first time he's seen me rush to cover myself . Or at least it's the first time he reacted .

      "okay." i say making eye contact with him.

       "good." He smirks and pulls me in and wraps his arms around me. I can feel my haert ready to pound out of my chest as Johnnie plants a kiss on the top of my head .

We walk and to think kitchen to see Tara and Jake staring at us like angry parents.

"And what were you two up to?" Jake half yelled in a stern voice trying not to laugh.

Tara put her hands on her hips "Yeah what took us so long huh Johnnie boy"

Me and Johnnie laughed and looked at each other. Johnnie speaks up "You guys are weird we didn't do anything" he looks away jokingly saying "she pegged me"

This causes us all to break out laughing. We get the cameras set up and to our side of the counter and Tara starts her intro. We got into teams girls vs. boys , Me and Tara we're definitely going to win. All we have to do is bake a cake but everyone knows some how Jake and Johnnie will mess this up.

      "Okay ladies and gents lets get started" Tara smiles and grabs the paper with the recipe. We all begin making our cakes me and Tara are very extra and make ours pink with white frosting and Jake and Jonnie made a chocolate cake with chocolate. The boys finished way before me and Tara. All they did to decorate it was crush oreos and put them in a pile on top with gunmy worms slapped all around it. Me and Tara put cute little hearts and designs all over ours.

       "Okay here is the reveal guys" Tara says dramatically panning the camera over the counter.

      "Clearly there is a winner here. Not being biased but the brown one looks amazing"Johnnie giggles

      Jake starts spinning it to show all sides and theres gummy worms and crumbs falling off. Tara shows our side and we all sit at the table with the cakes in front of us.

     "ooou time to get a little taste" Jake says in a silly voice. The order we are sitting is Me , Johnnie , Jake then Tara . We all just sat down in random order. Every once in a while me and Johnnie will look at eachother and smile or laugh . He accidentally got frosting on my sleeve and started wiping it off.

      After we taste tested and voted it was a tie so Tara told the audience to pick the best one in the comments. Before Tara stopped recording Jake and Johnnie started attacking our cake . We all fake fought for a few minutes and Then Tara did her normal outro. Once the video was done we all sat on the couch how we normally do and watched tv.

*a few days later*

       "Y/N COME ON WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE" I heard Jake yelling from downstairs. i grab my suitcase and run down . Today me Jake and Johnnie are going to ride a fancy train all the way to new york. I'm pretty excited because before i moved to LA i lived in NYC for a few years. I plan on meeting with some old friends and visiting some old places.

      "Im coming Im coming stop rushing me asshole." i say putting my bags in the car and getting in the back.

      Once we got to the train station we actually were almost too late but luckily we made it. We looked around for our room. Once we found it we argued for a minute about how we were all going to sleep in the small space .

     "Well you too are smaller then i am so i should get the bottom bed to myself" Jake says in a sassy tone

  "I dont mind sharing a bed with y/n as long as she doesn't wet the bed" Johnnie says in a funny voice.

       "Johnnieee that was a one time thing" i say matching his energy. After we all get the bed situation figured out and everything put up we get ready to go explore the train a little bit.


•1265 words•

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