•Uhm sam again?!•

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-Time Skip-

    *Johnnies POV*

"Yeah guys we have been lying to you" Jake says getting serious. "We actually are middle aged lesbians"

    I laugh out i dont know what i was expecting him to say but that was not it. We are recording in target, Y/N is our camera man for today because she didn't really want to be in the video too much. We still haven't really told anyone about us other then our closest friends. Jake knows of course and he teases alot. But it's been good. Its only been a week since we made it official so not too much has really changed.

     "Woah this reminds me of my uncle" I say in a funny voice pointing to a bra in the middle of the candy isle.

     "Wait who left this here of all places" Jake says looking around and trying to secretly put it in the cart.

    "Jake you know we saw that right" i say looking over

    "Hey Johnnie you know we cant talk to women so let me atleast pretend" We both laugh.

     We walk around recording for a while then head to the check out . After we leave target we take everything we bought home and put it in the room to record later.

     "Do you two love birds have plans for tonight" Jake points at me and Y/N.

      "I dont" she says sweetly but in a questioning voice, I shake my head no.

     "Well it seems like an amazing night to get drunk" He says in a loud tone. Y/N laughs and Shrugs her shoulders .

     "Yeah , Its tuesday lets drink" I say in a fake enthusiastic voice. "Im down though"

     "Okay we can go clubbing" Jake says in a sassy voice and booty bumps me.

      After we talk we get set up to record our video. Everything is ready and i'm about to start the intro before Y/N walks back in.

     "Hey guys im gonna take a nap on the couch while you do this" She points at the table and camera. She has been talking about napping all day.

     "No don't sleep on the couch, Go to my room its comfier" I smile and she nods turning away.

     "I'll be right back jake dont move" I say and he raises his eyebrows at me and I laugh.

     I follow Y/N to my room and open the closet . I pull out a tee shirt and pajama pants and hand them to her. She smiles and sets them down.

    "Johnnie its just a nap ill be okay" She laughs , I cant help but admire her. She is so beautiful.

     "Okay okay fine ill leave you alone then"

    I walk back and start recording with Jake . We Go through a few things that we bought and Jake held up a Stuffed bear.

"Johnnie actually picked this out" Jake says staring at it with and ugly face .

"Hey i got that for my gir-"i stop cutting myself off "Yeah lets cut that part out re do it Jake" We both laughed and continued recording.

After we go through everything i Check the time its only 4:30pm so I'm gonna shower and probably join Y/N and take a nap.

I go start the shower and wipe the eye shadow off my face. I slowly push my door open but all i hear is snore's coming from her. I slowly let it shut and hop in the shower. After i shower i wrap myself in a towel and go into my room. Shining my flash light in the closet to y/n doesn't wake up from the light. as i shuffle my clothes around i hear a sleepy voice behind me.

"Where you going" She says so softly yet so sassy

"No where baby i'm gonna lay down with you after i get dressed." i let out a little laugh at the end.

"Come on hurry up" she says rolling around. I Slip on pants and lay down next to her , she has all of the blanket wrapped around her so i started pulling it and slowly rolling her off it at the same time. As i was rolling her i got enough blanket to cover myself and she was faced away from me now.

I pull her back towards me and wrap my arms around her. She pulls away so i back up and move my hands . She pulls her hoodie off and now just has a tank top. She reaches her arm behind her and tugs on my shirt.

"I need skin to skin contact please" she says in a sleepy voice. I laugh and pull my shirt off. Y/n turns in towards me and hugs me tightly "So much better"

I laugh, She has a point the feeling of our bare skin touching is actually comforting. The feeling of her in general is comforting. I wrap my arms around her trying to be careful not holding her too tightly so she can still breathe. Soon she is back to snoring, I'm not really tired so i just scroll on my phone while i hold her.

I was watching fan edits on TikTok, mostly i seen me and y/n edits. But i found one video that made me feel some type of way. I don't know how it made me feel but it wasn't a good feeling. The video was Sam and Y/N standing next to each other. Its super zoomed in so i think it was in the background of a video and Sam had his arm around y/n . Or at least thats what it looks like. She is laughing and then in slows down and they make eye contact. Now i know these fan edits can make anything look romantic but this was just too real.

I don't want to say anything because I might be wrong, and we have plans to hangout with sam and Colby tomorrow . It might make things awkward. And I don't want y/n to think I don't trust her. Whatever i just close the app and open twitter.

     *Y/N POV*

      I wake up in Johnnies arms , I stretch a little and he gets up and sits at his desk turning the light on.

     "Good afternoon cutie patootie" I smile and walk towards him.

      "Yeah good afternoon" He says in a weirdly monotone voice. I feel like he is upset but i don't want to be pushy so i just let it go and lay back down. A few minutes of silence goes by and he breaks it.

     "Are you planning on going home at all tonight?" He says turning towards me in a slightly less monotone voice then before .

      "I wasn't bug if you wanted me to i can its not a big deal . I have clothes here but i can go" I say setting my phone down on the bed and sitting up.

      "No i want you to stay i was just wondering" He turns back to his monitor. "I think i'm going to stream a little bit, Do you want to be in it?"

    I think and look in my phone to see how i look. "Uh yeah i guess i will" I say standing up and pulling a second chair over by him and kissing his cheek. i left some space in between us so the viewers didn't get suspicious.


•1239 words•

ahhh its been a long weekend

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