•Birthday PT 3•

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       *Johnnies POV*

    Everyone starts leaving and soon its just me Jake Tara and Y/N left. Jake passes out on the couch and Tara went into her room. Me and Y/N pick up a little bit so theres not much to do tomorrow.

      "Hey Johnnie im gonna shower before we lay down okay?? i feel yucky" She whispered across the kitchen trying not to wake up jake .

       "Can i go first??" i ask and she nods , I go shower and get dressed meeting her in her room , Shes picking out pajamas and sets them on the dresser.

      "Okay ill be right back handsome" She walks out shutting the door behind her and i lay on her bed turning on a movie. About 20 minutes goes by and I hear the bathroom door open then the bedroom door.

      "Its so cold in here" she says walking in wrapped in a towel and rubbing her arms , I cant help but to stare . She teases and spins around.

I stand up walking towards her and she jusg smiles "Is it later yet Johnnie?" She says looking at my eyes .

"Shut up" i whisper pulling her into my arms and kissing the side of her neck , she lets out a small gasp. i pull back and look into her eyes . Smiling slightly, she looks at me confused. i say softly "You dont know how bad i want you right now Y/N"

"I need you Johnnie" She says with her innocent eyes looking up at me . I cant help but smile at her , shes perfect, i cant believe she is actually mine sometimes.

"Johnnie?" She whispers

"What beautiful" i say not breaking the eye contact

"Just kiss me" she says wrapping her arms around my shoulders pulling me back in , this time its a deeper kiss , more meaningful in a way.

I couldn't wait any longer, I wrap my arms around her pulling her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. i slowly make my way towards the door pushing her up against it as i reach down and lock the handle, not breaking the kiss at all. Once the door is locked I lay her gently on the bed her fingers running through my hair and i pull away for a second to take my shirt off. Then immediately going back to kissing, our tongues moving in sync , dancing together. She reaches down and tugs at the top of my pants , so i slid them off and start unraveling her towel, running my hands up and down her body. I break the kiss and start kissing down her neck leaving a trail of small pink marks on her skin like i reach her chest.

I suck lightly on one side and squeeze the other and i can hear her breathes get a little deeper. I go back to leaving a trail of kisses down her body , after her stomach and push her legs open kissing the inside of her thighs lightly making my way to the middle .

I slide on finger in and she lets out a small gasp, I look up and smirk at her, Now her eyes are filled with lust. Its so attractive seeing how bad she wants me but has no control over how soon. I slide my finger in and out before adding a second one. Her breathes getting deeper as i dance my tongue around her clit.

"Johnnie" she lets out and covers her mouth.

"Yes sweetheart?" I say standing up once again leaning over her, "want do you want?"


"I want you Johnnie" i say looking into his eyes as he hovers over my face , our noses almost touching.

"Good girl" He smiles and i feel my stomach flip , He is so attractive.

Johnnie slides his underwear off and looks down then back at me , I nod getting on my knees and opening my mouth, Slowly bobbing my head as he shoves himself into my mouth He lets out soft quiet groans , every few seconds saying my name . I gag a few time sand he pulls away allowing me to catch my breath. I look up and him and he smiles pointing towards the bed , I lay back down and he stands over me pinning my hands down. I have never seen this side of Johnnie but oh me oh my it was such a turn on.

"Sssh" Johnnie says as he slides into me , I let out a moan and johnnie quickly covers my mouth. "Didn't i say ssshh" He says hastily. I nod and look up at him as he lets go and is back to holding my hands down.

He starts slowly sliding in and out as i bite my lip holding my moans in. He leans in and turns the tv up a little bit whispering "i want to hear you."

I smirk at him nodding "Yes Johnnie" and he starts picking up the pace sliding in and out as i let out quiet moans . Our bodies rubbing together, filled with pleasure.

He grabs my jaw tightly but not tight enough to actually hurt and forces me to look at him he leans in and kisses me , The same passionate kiss as before only this time we are out of breath and small moans humming through our mouths. He runs his hands down my body and to my hips pulling me closer and closer as he gets deeper." you are doing such a good job" He says looking into my eyes and smiling down at me.

"Come here" he says pulling me off the bed and turning us around so im on top of him, I put mh legs on opposite sides of him and he grands my waist slowly slipping back inside.

"Fuck johnnie" i say pushing my hands on his chest and lightly gripping. He runs his fingers through my hair pulling the ends softly. Every so often smacking my ass making me let out small gasp. I start moving faster and my moans slowly turning into a whimper "Im gonna cu-"

"Yeah Y/N You can do it" He lets out his moans also getting close to a whimper. "Fuck you are so perfect" He says as i let out small moans and he pulls my hair back, my stomach doing back flips as i feel it tightening soon i stop bouncing and tighten my legs .Johnnie grabs my waist making my body move up and down as i feel my body release and my toes curl as i cum . Johnnie moving faster than before lets out a soft moans and i can feel him throbbing inside of me , once again he flips us so hes on top.

I grab the sheets above me and johnnie slams his body into mine his moans become quicker and more frequent before he pulls out shooting his cum all of my stomach.

Johnnie lets out a deep breath and grabs my towel wiping me off and then the bed.

"Let's go wash up and we can watch a movie" He says pulling me up and wrapping his arms around me. We make our way to the bathroom and clean ourselves up then lay down.

"how was your birthday beautiful?" he says twirling my hair as we lay curled up next to eachother still completely naked under the blanket.

"It was perfect Johnnie" i say smiling and kissing his cheek before laying my head on his chest. My eyes slowly start closing as he rubs my back and i listen to his heartbeat.

•1270 words•

12k reads!!!!!!

uhhh i hope yall like this , i feel like its def more intense then the last one i gave you but hey man 😭😭

i hope you all have wonderful days mwah mwah 💋

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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