•Birthday PT2•

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    After getting dressed i look in the mirror at myself and shrug. Johnnie stands behind me and grabs my hand and spins me around laughing and smiling.

      "Wow" "Gorgeous" "stunning" he giggles hyping me up and i start posing.

Me and Johnnie both walk out to the living room and Tara looks up and starts fake begging "Y/N please let me do your make up today pleaseee" I just laugh and nod my head and she screeches a giggle out and grabs a bag from the counter. She knew she was going to do it because she brought a whole lot of my make up from the house. She is so funny sometimes.

Tara sets up all of the make up at the table and i sit in one of the stools pulling my hair back.

"Y/N do you know how naturally beautiful you are" Tara says smiling and placing her hands on my face .

"I told you Y/N you are absolutely stunning" Johnnie follows walking over to us and leaning against the counter.

I just smile and laugh and then Tara starts putting stuff on my face , We talked with Johnnie about our plans for the day and we decided on where we were eating. Tara says we are having a small party but she is so extra so we all know its not going to be small at all. I dont mind though, Partying with Tara , Jake and Johnnie is the best type of fun. Johnnie asked if i wanted to go get brunch with him like a cute date and then maybe shopping. So once Tara is done thats what we will go while she gets everything ready at our house .

       Me and Johnnie decided on Ihop because i really wanted one of their breakfast bowls and he agreed.

    *Johnnies POV*

      Tara finished Y/Ns make up and now we are in the car, Y/N is driving of course. She is listening to music and dancing like a bafoon but its so cute. She is just genuinely happy, a huge smile on her face.

       "Ew stop staring " She says looking over again me and i laugh

        "Your so adorable " i smile and look away

        She continues dancing until we pull in to Ihop . I decided on distracting her so Tara a d Jake can help me set up a suprise in my room for before the party. I wanted to do it after but i don't think we will be sober enough to actually enjoy it. We aren't really going shopping i just needed enough time to let them set it up.

      We walk inside and get seated , They gave us a booth and We ordered our drinks , Two drinks.peppers.  Once the waitress walks away Y/N looks at me and leans in closer .

     "Bro our waitress is actually so pretty i was nervous" She giggles and covers her mouth .

     "You make me nervous" i tease and mock her .

      "And your breath stinks" she playfully rolls her eyes .

       "Thats why you have cooties then" I say before the waitress comes back and we order our food.

      About 15 minutes goes by of us talking and the waitress comes back with our plates .

     "Thank you" Y/N smiles at her and I cant help but smile, Y/Ns smile is so contagious, She is so mesmerizing.

    We eat and get ready to pay as Y/N pulls out her purse and i lightly smack her hand.

     "Nooo johnnie we cant be those cringy people" she whines "Just let me pay and we wont have any issues"

     "No Y/N you are not paying" i say taking her purse and placing it between my legs . I pull out my card and pay on the little machine and pull out cash for the tip. I give it to the waitress .

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