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I honestly didn't even want to come up to the hospital. But hearing that three other women thought they had my role had me beyond upset. Its one thing to cheat with random women, but to establish a whole life with them was a different level of cheating and if his ass wasn't dead before, he sure would've been dead now.

"And when did he propose to you?" I asked the young lady who was bouncing a toddler on her knee. Yes, toddler as in two to three years old.

"About six months ago. We took a trip to Times Square and went out to eat. He did it during dessert." She said with a sad smile.

"And he never told you he was married or gave you any clues that he was married?" I asked to gain clarification.

"No ma'am, if I had known he was married, more importantly to someone like you, I would have never even entertained him. He had his own apartment and never wore his ring. I mean there was no sign of a woman in his house or life anywhere." She explained further. I simply nodded before standing up.

"Let's see if the other two are as kind and thoughtful as you. Sorry you had to find out the truth this way." I said before walking out of the little waiting area. I went down to another and walked in not even bothering to knock.

The next woman didn't even look like she was over twenty-five. She had a very prominent baby bump which made me sick to my stomach but I kept a strong face.

"What's your name sweetheart?" I asked as I sat down.

"Nicole." She said lowly as she rubbed her stomach.

"How long had you known my husband?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"About two years now. He proposed last month." She said with her head down.

"Is this yours?" She asked suddenly looking up. She wiggled the ring off of her finger and set it in my hand.

"He said it was an heirloom but I can't even believe that anymore." She said with a sad chuckled as I looked at the ring immediately recognizing it.

"It is. And he called me crazy when I turned the house upside down looking for it." I scoffed as I held the ring in my hands.

"It's my mother's. Thank you for giving it back." I said as I held the ring tightly in my hand.

"It would be wrong of me to keep something that wasn't mine. Especially if it came from someone who could do something like this." She said wiping her face with a small frown.

"You didn't know, he was obviously good at hiding his actual life from you all. Hell, he did a good job hiding y'all as well." I said shaking my head as I stood up.

"If you need anything pertaining to the baby, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm not one of those bitter wives who is going to make you struggle because of my husband's actions. I never got the chance to have children so I'd be glad to help out and see pictures." I said before stepping out of the room leaving her to think on what I said. 

I went down to the final room and walked in to find one of my old friends sitting at the table.

"Oh bitch." I said as I laughed lowly.

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