6:00 AM
Dear Diary,
Hey the name's Blade Bloodwell, formerly known as Thomas Lakewell. The reason I changed my name is because I kind of killed my dad, but in my defense he had it coming! It would have been me 6 feet under if I hadn't grabbed the knife. Currently, I'm hiding from the police because after I changed my identity I became a wanted man again … I swear all I did was pickpocket a few people to be able to eat! Oh, and I also stole a few bags, which is actually where I found you. I know stealing is bad, but in my situation a lot of people would do the same, yes that is my justification. It's not fair why some people get 2 loving parents and other people like me, get a mother who died of cancer and a father that tried to kill them. Well, whatever, I'm gonna have to say goodbye for now I hear the sirens coming straight for me.
Blade Bloodwell02-12-3022
6:07 AM‘shit, shit, shit, shit, I'm so dead what am I gonna do if they catch up. Racldel, damn it’
Blade thinks as he runs from the police. Elsewhere Fang has pretty much gotten used to the world she was thrown headfirst into. As she sat in an alleyway she heard sirens blaring and jumped to her feet to see if she could see what it was about. Just then Blade ran into the alleyway.
"Phew, made it before they could see where I turned"
Blade says as he looks up and sees the silver-haired girl,
"Are you hiding from someone too ma’am?"
Blade asked. Fang looks at the man before her and cautiously says
"You could say that."
Blade straightens himself and with an exhale says
"My name's Blade Bloodwell, nice to meet you."
as he extended his hand out to Fang she responded as she took his hand to shake it
"Fang Cross".
As both parties' hands fall to their sides Blade asks,
"So who and or what are you hiding from?"
Fang looks at him and asks cautiously,
"Promise not to turn me in?"
Blade without hesitation answers
"I promise."
Fang lets out a breath she hadn't known she was holding and says monotonically
Blade's eyes widened,
"Scientists? That would mean you have powers"
Fang gives him a half smile,
For a few moments, the two were silent.
"Can you cloak us?"
Blade asked, glancing over his shoulder. Fang nods her head
Fang's eyes then turned from their normal emerald green to ocean blue. A few minutes later a police officer looked into the alleyway for a few seconds and then kept walking.
"Wow...that was awesome. What else can you do?"
Blade asked slowly, panning his head back to Fang. Fang looked at a jewelry store across the street from them,
As she spoke, the jewelry in the store came soaring out, amazed Blade asked
"Can you do anything else?"
Fang returned the jewelry back to the store, slowly and far more seriously she said
"I can do anything and everything Mr.Bloodwell, that's why I'm hiding from the scientist I spoke of."
Blade looked at her in disbelief,
"Anything and everything,"
he said with a chuckle
"Prove it,"
he states. Fang looks at him, waits a few seconds then lifts Blade off the ground,
"Super strength check."
Fang says while smiling smugly.
7:20 PM
"Okay, Okay, Okay I believe you damn."
Blade exhaled exhaustively at Fang.
Fang responded with obvious fear and worry on her face, which Blade instantly responded to asking.
"What's wrong" as Fang rushed off further into the alley.
"Nothing, nothing's wrong. I’m fine."
she says hurriedly. Blade runs to her side,
"Obviously something is wrong. Now tell me I might be able to help."
Fang looks behind her and then back to Blade
"That man following us is a scientist."
Blade looks over his shoulder and then back at Fang
"I know how to lose him, follow me."
Blade whispers as he begins to run ahead of Fang. Reluctantly Fang follows after him. A few minutes later Blade leads Fang into an inn,
"We'll be safe here."
Fang looks around curiously,
"What is this place?"
she asks, Before Blade could even answer Fang's question, her hand reaches out to touch a painting hung above a small table. Blade looks at her, chuckles, and asks teasingly,
"Haven't you seen a painting before?"
Fang's half-smile instantly dropped to a frown,
"No I haven't...all I've seen are things I was told to kill, destroy, wear, or use."
she said bluntly. Blade looked at her in slight shock,
"Wait did you say kill or destroy?"
he asks flustered, trying to figure out if what he heard was true. Fang nods her head
After she answered there was an awkward silence that fell upon the two.
Blade says, stunned as he blinks a few times. After a few more moments of silence, Blade grins saying,
"And here I thought I'd only see another killer in prison."
Fang looks at him in confusion,
she asks. Blade's smile disappears slowly as he awkwardly says,
"I um...killed my dad."
Fang’s eyes widened in shock,
"You killed your father…why?"
she asks, even more confused than she already was. Blade whispers,
"Because I would've been 6ft under if I didn't."
Fang's shock then turns to anger in the blink of an eye,
"Your father was going to kill you if you hadn't killed him"
she yells. Blade quickly looks around the room wide-eyed and whispers,
"Not so loud."
The angry and slightly confused girl only at that moment realized that people were littered around the main entrance of the unfamiliar building,
she whispers back, making herself look a little smaller. Blade looks around the area once more and goes over to the cashier,
"Two please"
he says politely, the cashier only nods and says
Blade gives the cashier $20.00 then both Fang and Blade are led to a door. Before he closed the door behind the pair the cashier worryingly says
"they're catching on Blade, this is the last time."
Blade nods
"Goodbye old pal"
After saying their goodbyes Blade signals for Fang to follow him down the flight of stairs in front of them leading to an underground tunnel.

AventuraIn a far off time, on a planet light years away, a teenage girl with supernatural abilities, kidnapped and trapped in a lab since infant-hood is suddenly thrown into unfamiliar waters when the scientists she knew her entire life plan to kill her in...