8:20 PMAn hour of walking later the two finally arrive above ground in a marvelous forest
"Welcome to the getaway forest, a place full of wild animals, trees, lakes, and magical beings"
Blade exclaims. Fang in amazment looks around herself at the beauty of the vast wonderland before the two. Processing what Blade has said she asks as she returning to reality
"What do you mean magical beings?"
Blade smiles at her and says
"People, animals and the in-between with magic like you, that's what I mean"
Fang stares at Blade even more confused
"like me?"
She questions. Blade only repeats Fang's words
"like you."
Fang, still confused, asks
"what do you mean like me?"
Blade answers a little annoyed
"I mean people with magic, not as strong as yours but magic nonetheless."
Fang turns to Blade shocked and fearful asking
"Does that mean we're in danger?"
Blade then remembers that she was locked up her entire life because of magic and quickly reassures her that she's safe in the forest. Fang’s fear at hearing that reassurance quickly dissipated, and she turned away from him to look at the trees and wildlife once more. In an instant she starts to run as if ready to take flight when she bumps into someone
"Ow...oh I'm so sorry sir."
Fang says as she looks up from her place on the floor at the man she had bumped into. The man merely extends his hand down to where Fang sat and lifts her up as he asks
"It's fine don't worry, more importantly, are you ok? It looked like it hurt when you fell."
As Fang got up onto her feet with the help of the man she stated
"Yes I'm fine, thank you for the concern."
When Fang gets to her feet she stares at the man, who for unknown reasons to her seemed familiar
"What's your name sir?"
The man replied with a warm smile
"Harry Alpha, and you are?"
"Fang, Fang Cross,"
as Harry heard Fang's name his jaw dropped with shock in his eyes he slowly walked backwards. As he turned to walk away he said with a stutter
"If you would follow me, Fang, I'll take you somewhere you and your friend can stay for a while."

AventuraIn a far off time, on a planet light years away, a teenage girl with supernatural abilities, kidnapped and trapped in a lab since infant-hood is suddenly thrown into unfamiliar waters when the scientists she knew her entire life plan to kill her in...