8:30 AMAfter Rubin had left for the store Harry took the two teens to get a new car, drawing as little attention to themselves as possible. After buying a RV with two bunk beds and all the essential appliances required included, they bought all the essential food items they needed, and some unnecessary items for entertainment. Once they had parked the RV in an empty lot, the two teens sat down to hear of Rubin's past.
"He used to belong to a well known family of Multi-trillionaires, he was given the best education possible, and he even learned how to code when he was just five years old"
Harry began.
"On his 10th birthday his family had given him the family's entire bank account. Since he had only one friend at the time, he wrote in his will that the money would go to him. The name of that friend was David Sanchez, he was a good and kind man. When Rubin's family estate was burned to the ground because of a kitchen fire, his charred body was found in the rubble. Now I know what you're thinking, and you're obviously right, it wasn't Rubin. It was instead a perfect replica, never alive to begin with. So now the money went to David, he's the one that spent it all, that is what you would think right? Well that would have been just fine since it was his at that point, but it went to his brother instead because David had died in a car crash days before."
Fang, with an itching suspicion asks
"What is the brother's name? If you don’t mind telling us"
After a slight pause Harry answered
"Daniel Houston."
Fang's eyes widened, her suspicion coming to fruition
‘There's no way that's true, what are the chances?’
Fang thinks to herself, just then a memory she had repressed from her time at the laboratory came to mind.10-23-3011
1:00 PM"Killing David was a walk in the park, all I had to do was ask to meet up and...BAM! My subordinate hit him with a car"
Daniel Houston said with a maniacal laugh.
"Setting fire to the kitchen was a bit more challenging but once the first spark appeared, well, it was easy going from there."
As the two both laughed, fading into the dark corridor, Fang gasping from the testing room she was in, completely shocked, broke the window dividing her and the scientists studying a new power she discovered. She knew Daniel Houston was a sick man, but never would she have thought he would dirty his own hands.02-14-3022
12:00 PM"Hey Fang snap out of it"
Blade exclaimed as he shook the girl.
"Huh, what? Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to space out like that I was caught up in a memory I have from the lab"
Fang stated coming back to reality.
"Don't worry about it Fang, we just got a little worried because you weren't responding"
Harry said with a comforting smile.
"What happened though Fang?"
Blade asked, still concerned. Fang looking away unsure of what to say responded
"I um…It's nothing, just something the lead scientist told me while I was there"
Fang said, looking up with a weak smile. Not wanting to make the girl more uncomfortable, Blade and Harry nodded and dropped the subject.02-14-3022
9:00 PMAfter Rubin had finished cloth shopping he had found a phone booth and called Harry, confirming their location he hung up and made his way to the RV. As Rubin waited for Harry and the others to open the door he scanned the area, spotting a car that looked a little too familiar. Instead of entering the common area of the RV Rubin rushes to the driver's seat, starts the car, and without warning hits the gas. He hears a thud from the back followed by annoyed yelling, he ignores it focusing instead on the vehicle in pursuit. As Rubin inspects the car, while still keeping an eye on the road, his fears come to fruition. A few miles out Rubin takes a sharp turn into an alleyway, sparks flying from both sides of the RV, just barely making it through the alley, its side mirrors cut clean off. For a moment at the very end of the alley Rubin feared that the vehicle would be far too big to make it out, luckily the vehicle made it through, the pursuers left in the dust. After a few more minutes of driving, Rubin had decided he had lost them, with a sigh he pulled into a Mc ducks parking lot. As Rubin stepped out of the RV the door to the common area flew open revealing one very unhappy teenager soon followed by the two others of the group, calm as the brief silence before
“What the hell was that for jerk''
Blade exclaimed, walking angrily toward Rubin.
“Someone was watching us, a bad person. I didn’t have time to warn you guys of the situation, now please calm down Blade”
Rubin said with obvious irritation in his voice.
“We completely understand Rubin, Blade is just easily angered, please don’t pay him much mind. It merely spooked him''
Fang stated calmly.
“I think we were all a little surprised though, some of us just don’t have a fit when something unexpected happens”
Harry said as Blade scowled at him.
“I see, well then Blade in the future how about you leave your girlfriend behind with Harry and come along with me”
Rubin said with a playful smile forming as he said “girlfriend”. When Blade had processed what Rubin called Fang his eyes widened as he quickly turned crimson red.
“I- we- we’re- N- grra!…We aren’t dating”
Blade exclaimed, still wildly red.
“You could have fooled me with how you don’t leave her side, ever, keeping an eye on her at all times”
Rubin said as Harry busted out laughing maniacally.
“Whatever! Stupid old man, you're lucky Fang seems to like you”
Blade exclaimed, his face finally dying down from its red state to a small almost unnoticeable blush.
“I kid, I kid, merely trying to lighten the mood,”
Rubin said, raising his hands defensively on either side of his head.
“Yeah well it wasn't funny at all”
Blade said.
“You're right Blade it wasn't funny, it was hilarious”
Harry exclaimed through his dying laughter. After a couple more lines of protest Blade decided that arguing was useless and silenced his objections.

AventureIn a far off time, on a planet light years away, a teenage girl with supernatural abilities, kidnapped and trapped in a lab since infant-hood is suddenly thrown into unfamiliar waters when the scientists she knew her entire life plan to kill her in...