~Rubin Robertson~

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10:30 AM

Dear Diary,
         To whom it may concern my name is Rubin Robertson. I am 23 years old and I am a tech genius. Ever since I was a child I've noticed how different my mind worked compared to others my age. Instead of wanting to play with toy trucks and do sports I wanted to be in front of a screen learning code. My parents did not like that about me. I assume it's because I was to inherit my father's company. His company would have me sit at an uncomfortable desk, in an uncomfortable seat, on the top floor of a building containing wicked people. On top of all that I would only have been a puppet, a puppet that my father had complete control of. Thankfully I had the perfect opportunity to fake my death and run far away. I still use my birth given name and I will never change it because I have made myself and others a safe place. A safe place that has one way in and every infinite way out. I am the creator of the Getaway Forest, I am the one who brought everyone special together and I will be here forever through my technology and future generations. Coming back to the present, I am making lunch. The two teenagers Fang and Blade seem trustworthy just as Harry had described but I can't shake the feeling that something bad will happen...soon? I don't know just when but I feel as though I should prepare for us four to run at a moment's notice. I've already told Harry to prepare. I will have to continue another day because the food is almost done and I don't want to burn it.
Rubin Robertson

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