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(Eli's Pov)

Looking up at my new school I anxiously push my thick black glasses up my nose my white wolf ears flattening against my head and I turn my head to look at my fraternal twin brother nervously. He got lucky and was born normal while I inherited the hybrid gene I ended up inheriting. We also just moved to Seoul because of our parents jobs and it's our first day at our new school. Adjusting my uniform I run a hand through my short blonde hair my hand running over my wolf ears Jay giving an encouraging smile. "I'm sure we'll have a great time here don't worry." I bite my lip but nod saying softly. "Let's head inside before the bell rings." Jay pats my back before heading inside I following him silently adjusting my satchel a little. We head to the office to get our schedules and locker numbers I immediately comparing my schedule with Jay's only to immediately feel disappointed when I see our schedules are completely different and we're not even in the same class. Grumbling a little we part ways I heading to class 2-5 where I stand in the doorway a little uncomfortably. I look around the class at all the different people I a little curious when I see a guy who looks like he's sleeping. Soon I hear a kind voice behind me making me jump and I turn seeing who I'm guessing is the teacher. "You must be one of our new students. Come on inside and introduce yourself." I reluctantly follow the teacher inside he immediately getting the classroom's attention. "Alright everyone we have a new student all the way from America." The teacher turns to me with a smile and tells me to introduce myself I shifting uncomfortably my ears twitching but say in a soft voice bowing. "Hi I'm Eli. I hope we can all get along." The teacher gives me an encouraging look before pointing out the seat by the guy who looked like he was sleeping he having a bored look on his face. "You can sit beside Seojun." I swallow nervously but make my way over to the empty seat and pull my satchel off before taking a seat at the desk pulling out a notebook. Soon the teacher starts talking about the lesson I trying to pay attention but start getting bored since I've already studied what he's talking about. So I act like I'm taking notes but instead start drawing I doing a doodle of a butterfly flying over a pond. I'm so focused on my drawing that I jump when I'm suddenly called on. "Mr Bennett can you tell me the answer to this question?" I look up blinking before studying the question I immediately giving the correct answer easily. The teacher gives me a surprised look then continues on with the lesson I going back to drawing when I feel eyes on me. Looking up my eyes lock with the guy beside me I remembering the teacher saying his name was Seojun. Seeing his intense gaze I immediately feel my cheeks tint pink and I quickly look away putting my things away when the bell rings while Seojun just immediately gets up and storms off. I shake my head adjusting my glasses and go to leave when the teacher gets my attention I heading over in confusion. "Yes?" The teacher gives me a bright look. "You're a very smart young man mr Bennett and I was wondering if you could maybe tutor Seojun for the rest of the year. His grades are slipping and he needs the help." I blink in surprise before stuttering nervously. "Uh sure I guess." The teacher nods smiling. "Alright you can go now. I'll get in touch about setting up a meeting for you and Seojun." I slowly nod and leave the room I going to head to the one class I actually look forward to which is art I going to find it when I suddenly feel something hook around my ankles I immediately yelping and go crashing to the ground my glasses falling off and sliding across the floor. I immediately hear everyone start laughing I feeling my face burn from embarrassment as I try to reach for my glasses only for a blurry figure to snatch them away. I frown and try to stumble my way to my feet everything a big blur. "Hey freak you want your glasses?" I turn to the voice and nod eagerly. "Yes please." The guy steps closer I able to see him a little as he smirks at me. "Then jump for them." I frown as he holds his arm up and I try to reach for the glasses squinting when I'm forcefully shoved backwards making me stumble into something firm I feeling a pair of arms catch me. Once I'm steadied on my feet I turn around with an embarrassed pitiful look. "Sorry. I can't see and they won't give my glasses back." It's quiet for a moment before the blurry male figure in front of me moves past me I soon hearing a deep voice speak up. "Just give him the glasses back." I hear the guy who's holding my glasses say in disbelief. "What you actually care about this freak?" I hear a scoff. "Of course not. But you're pathetic bullying someone who can't actually fight back." I hear a slight scoff coming from the bully before I hear footsteps I seeing the small group of boys holding my glasses leave. Frowning I see the blurry male figure approach me and suddenly he's putting the glasses on my face I immediately surprised when I see Seojun. Blinking I reach up and adjust my glasses giving a small sheepish smile my tail starting to wag a little. "Thank you so much." He just turns around and starts walking away I frowning a little before snapping myself out of it and quickly head to art class.

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