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My heats finally over with and it's now the date of Gowoon's performance I parting ways with Seojun giving him a quick kiss before heading backstage and over to Gowoon she looking up at me nervously. I give her a reassuring smile before handing over the outfit I designed and made her she immediately giving me a wide eyed look. "Oppa it's so pretty!" I smile thanking her then usher her to go get ready. She does so and comes back I having her sit in a chair draping a towel over her front and her lap before I start her makeup so it won't ruin her clothes. Once I finish with her makeup I grin feeling accomplished. "There all done." She rushes to go look at her reflection and her eyes widen in shock. "Wow I look so pretty!" I smile and nod in agreement she tackling me in a hug before pulling away I giving her a smile. "I better head back out front but just know that you'll do great." She smiles thanking me and I head back out front and adjust my glasses looking around for Seojun I finally spotting him and make my way over sitting at his side. He looks at me and I give him a smile kissing his cheek his face tinting a slight pink. Giggling in amusement I lean back in my seat only to perk up when the show starts I waiting in anticipation when Gowoon takes her turn. As she walks out on stage Seojun looks down at me wide eyed. "Wow you're really good with designing things and styling." I shrug him off then put my focus on Gowoon who starts singing I immediately mesmerized by her voice. Once the song is over with I gently drag Seojun backstage and smile when I see Gowoon moving closer. "That was amazing Gowoon!" She beams at me and then smiles happily when Seojun hands her a bouquet of roses. I smile happily feeling content with life as I snuggle against Seojun's side he wrapping an arm around my waist lovingly. We all then head out to eat to celebrate Gowoon's successful performance I leaning back in my chair a little happy as I watch over the family silently. I just sit there observing them awhile before I clear my throat to get their attention they all giving me curious looks. I smile at them before pulling my satchel into my lap and dig through it before pulling out some wrapped items. "I got you guys some gifts." I see Mrs Han trying to protest but I shake my head stubbornly. "I insist." I hand one item to Mrs Han with a smile. "Here you can go first." She opens it looking curious only for her eyes to widen slightly when she looks at the detailed portrait of her, Gowoon and Seojun. She looks at me in awe as she shows the other two. "This is gorgeous Eli. You're an extremely talented artist." I blush waving it off before handing the next gift to Gowoon. She takes it curiously opening it eagerly only to see a silver infinity necklace with all our names on it and a form she reading it over before looking at me wide eyed. "You got me an audition to be an idol?" I nod looking sheepish. "Yeah I know how much singing means to you so I asked my papa if you could apply and he agreed. That's all I did though you still have to audition and everything." She smiles and gets up rushing around the table to hug me I hugging her back. Once she's seated again I look at Seojun and hand him the last gift shyly. He takes it and starts opening it I watching anxiously as he opens the picture of us from the photo shoot where we're both standing on set my head thrown back mid laugh while Seojun is grinning at me lovingly. "My dad captured it during a break and I thought you could have something special of us." He looks at me with a smile and leans down kissing my cheek. "I love it Angel thanks." I grin my face heated up and chat with all three of them until it starts getting late. Seojun and I part ways with Gowoon and his mother as we head to the bus stop so I can go home. I cling onto his arm a little once the bus arrives I immediately looking up at him. "You go ahead and go home I can take things from here." He immediately gives me a slight look. "You've been stabbed and drugged I'm making sure you get home." I sigh but let him come and we head to my house. Once we arrive at my front door I turn to him and lean up pecking his lips lovingly. "I'll see you soon. I love you." He grins down at me blushing. "I love you too. Bye Angel." I watch him leave as I enter the house I immediately heading up to my room where I change into pajamas and climb into bed with a happy sigh of content I staring up at the ceiling for awhile before I slowly fall asleep.

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