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(Seojun's Pov)

Once the movie starts I barely focus on it when I notice out of the corner of my eye Eli trying to stay awake he finally ending up dozing off his head landing on my shoulder. I look at his peaceful expression and carefully move gently laying him down on the bed then climb out and take his glasses setting them aside covering him up saying softly. "Get some rest Eli." As I'm leaving him a quick note I then hear a door slamming downstairs I putting the note beside Eli and immediately make my way down the stairs I seeing Eli's brother who immediately looks at me with a confused expression and a raised eyebrow. "What are you doing here?" I shrug and say simply. "Eli got hurt at school and needed someone to watch him so I brought him home." He immediately frowns looking a little concerned. "What happened?" I immediately feel a slight wave of anger fill me and say in annoyance. "His friend Thomas hit him in the back of the head with a soccer ball. He claims it was an accident but he shouldn't have been kicking anywhere near him." I see him freeze for a second before saying cautiously. "Did you just say Thomas?" I blink but nod. "Yeah Eli said he's an exchange student." He suddenly groans looking annoyed. "Dammit I was hoping Eli finally got away from him when we moved." I immediately frown. "What do you mean?" He looks at me an annoyed angry expression on his face. "He's always been interested in Eli and won't accept just friendship. So whenever Eli makes new single male friends or is interested in someone then he always gets into an 'accident.' The last time Eli had a crush he ended up in the emergency room with a broken arm because Thomas apparently tripped and knocked him down the stairs." I stare at him in slight disbelief. "And Eli's still friends with this jerk?" He gives a little nod. "Eli's a sweetheart and believes that they indeed are just accidental coincidences. You can't convince him otherwise." I immediately feel angry and protective. "I'll take care of it. He won't hurt Eli anymore if I have anything to do with it." He immediately gives a sympathetic look. "Good luck. Eli's to nice and ignorant to keep away from him." I frown but feel determined as I politely say goodbye to Eli's brother before I head to my bike and drive off.

(Eli's Pov)

Slowly waking up I sit up in bed rubbing my eyes tiredly when I remember that I was watching a movie with Seojun. Looking around I grab my glasses from the nightstand then spot a note on the pillow beside me I taking it and read it curiously.

You fell asleep and I didn't want to overstay my welcome so I left. I'll see you at school and we can hang out again soon I promise. Feel better soon.

                        - Seojun

I immediately smile and check the time seeing that I should probably start getting ready for school. Carefully trying to get up I hear a knock on my door I blinking but give a little "come in!" The door opens and Jay walks in with a little smile. "Hey I heard you got hurt so I got your old crutches out just incase." I blink but say with a little smile. "Thanks Jay but I don't need them." I get up and head over to my closet grabbing a uniform. "So I heard Thomas is here now." I pause before saying simply. "Yes he is." I hear Jay say seriously. "And of course the day he comes back you get hit with a soccer ball." I immediately turn my head giving him a look. "Don't start Jay it was an accident." He gives me a look back. "When are you going to wake up and see this guy isn't any good! Every single time you get close to someone that isn't him you get seriously hurt!" I shake my head in denial. "He wouldn't hurt me on purpose Jay he's a good person." He makes a frustrated noise before storming out of my room. I sigh as the door closes and quickly get dressed before I head to the bus stop to get to school. Once I make my way to the gates though I look confused when I see a large crowd gathered around I curiously heading to the front only for my eyes to widen when I see Seojun beating up Thomas. I quickly make my way over saying in horror. "Seojun what the hell are you doing?!" He pauses mid punch and looks at me. "Eli he's purposely hurting you! I'm not going to let someone abuse you just because they have obvious unhealthy feelings for you." I frown a look of annoyance crossing my face. "Jay planted that into your head didn't he? You guys need to leave Thomas alone. He's a nice guy and what happens are always accidents!" I then make my way over to Thomas to help him up. "Come on Thomas let's get you to the nurse." I hear Seojun calling for me but I ignore him leading Thomas to the nurse where she patches him up. Then as we head to class I sigh. "I dread going to class I don't want to see Seojun right now." Thomas hums before smiling at me. "We can always ditch." I blink a little thinking about it before giving a slow nod. "Okay let's do it." He grins and we carefully sneak out of the school as we head to the bus stop and make our way downtown. Once we get off we head to different stores for snacks and an arcade where we take turns playing different games. We then make our way towards my house since school ended awhile ago and I look up at the sky smiling happily. "I had fun today. Thanks for convincing me to skip." We stop in front of the walkway to my house and I carefully turn to Thomas with a smile when suddenly he presses his lips against mine my entire body tensing up and I immediately squirm trying to get away but he grips my hips extremely hard so I can't move. Shoving at his chest I immediately become desperate and I kick him hard in the shin he finally letting me go and I back up a few steps frowning. "Thomas what the hell was that?" He frowns giving me a begging expression. "Eli please I love you so much. You need to be mine. I want you as mine." I immediately give him a cautious look. "Thomas I'm sorry but I don't like you romantically. You're just a close friend." I see his eyes fill with anger and his hands bunch up into fists then before I can get away I feel his fist connect with my face knocking my glasses off I immediately falling to the ground with a cry. Thomas then takes his foot and starts kicking me repeatedly all over I crying out repeatedly for him to stop when suddenly it does stop. I cautiously look up to see a blurry Seojun standing in front of me and hovering over Thomas who's on the ground clutching his nose which is bleeding. "If I see you near him ever again I won't hesitate to punch you so hard you won't even remember your own name." I see Thomas get up and storm off a little sniffle leaving me before I burst into tears at the pain, fear and sadness running through me. Seojun kneels down in front of me looking panicked and concerned. "Here now let me see." I sniffle as he gently grabs my chin looking at my bruised cheek an angry noise escaping him. I then think of something and immediately panic. "My glasses! Did he break them?" I see Seojun move then he gently puts the glasses on me I immediately feeling a little relieved that they luckily didn't break. "Thanks. But how did you know he was hurting me?" He gently helps me up before he scoops me up in his arms. "I came to check on you since you weren't at school all day and I saw you on the ground with him kicking you." I immediately lower my head a little pitifully. "He convinced me to skip since I didn't want to see you at the time. I'm sorry Seojun. I should've believed you and Jay." He gives me a reassuring look. "It's fine I'm just glad I found you before he seriously hurt you." I give a little nod as he carries me to my house I opening the door and he carries me upstairs to my room like he did yesterday. Once I'm laid on the bed I pull out my phone and frown when I see a message from Jay saying he won't be home. "Jays not coming home tonight." I then look at Seojun pleadingly. "Will you stay please?" He blinks then gives a little nod I relaxing a little. "Thanks." I then carefully get up and make my way over to my dresser I pulling out clothes for me and Seojun. I hand Jay's extra clothes to Seojun and say softly. "You can change first." He nods and heads to the bathroom I undoing the jacket and tie on my uniform. Soon Seojun walks out I giving him a little smile as I make my way to the bathroom closing the door and quickly change. I then head out of the bathroom and rub my eyes tiredly making my way over to my bed. I sit down and motion to the other side of the bed Seojun silently making his way over and takes a seat. I get situated before I unconsciously snuggle close to Seojun as I fall asleep.

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