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Slowly waking up the next morning to my alarm I reluctantly put on my glasses then get up to turn the alarm off. Sighing I drag myself over to my closet grabbing a uniform to change into. Once I get the uniform on and my tie done I start focusing on taming the wild mess that's my hair and the fur on my ears and tail. Once I'm satisfied with my appearance I go to brush my teeth I heading downstairs once I'm finished. I make my way to the kitchen where I greet my dads cheerfully. "Morning dad. Morning papa." They both give me bright smiles greeting me happily. Jay and I were conceived with a surrogate who didn't put down that she had the hybrid gene in her family history and of course I'm the one who ended up with the gene and animal features. I pass my parents and I go to take a seat beside Jay who gives me a smile. "So how was school yesterday?" Jay immediately speaks up happily. "I made the basketball team." My papa immediately looks proud while my dad turns the attention on me. "What about you Eli?" I immediately put a fake smile on not wanting to tell them about the glasses incident. "My day was fine. I'm being asked to tutor someone." My parents nod in approval and we all eat breakfast together happily before my papa grabs his car keys. "Alright you guys come on and I'll drive you to school." I quickly grab my satchel and rush out to the car with Jay we getting in and start heading to school. Once we arrive we give our papa our goodbyes before getting out Jay immediately saying quickly. "I'm gonna go find my new friends." I frown as he runs off when suddenly a student I don't know approaches me. "The principal wants to see you." I blink but thank them and head to the office where the receptionist tells me to go in. Once I step into the office I'm surprised and confused when I see Seojun sitting there. I look at the man behind the desk with a slight frown my wolf ears twitching. "Am I in trouble?" The man gives me a kind smile. "No you're not in trouble. I was just discussing your tutoring sessions with Seojun here." I blink a little as the principal says cheerfully. "So when can you two meet up?" I immediately shrug. "I'm free every day." Seojun just glares at the principal not looking happy but says in an annoyed tone. "I guess Wednesdays will work." I give a little nod and the principal dismisses us as Seojun gets up storming out of the room just barely knocking against my shoulder. Sighing I thank the principal with a polite bow before going to head to my first class only to jump and yelp when someone roughly tugs on my tail I quickly spinning around to see the bully from yesterday. "Hey there freak. You know you should just cut the ears and tail off so you'd be normal." I frown feeling a little annoyed. "It doesn't work that way. You can't just remove them they're apart of my anatomy." The bully raises an eyebrow at me and goes to grab me but I dodge and immediately run off to class I taking my seat beside an annoyed looking Seojun. I silently start taking notes and everything until the bell rings I going to head to art. As I enter the art classroom I immediately take a seat in the very back by myself I pulling out my sketchbook opening it to a drawing of two wolves. Soon though it's time for lunch and I tuck my sketchbook under my arm before heading for my locker to grab some of my colored pencils. As I start walking down the hall I suddenly feel my sketchbook being ripped from underneath my arm I immediately turning around in panic to see the guys who have been bullying me. "What do we have here?" I frown feeling panicked and try to reach out for the book. "Give it back!" The main bully scoffs looking at me in amusement. "Let's see what the freak is hiding." I quickly try to lunge at the guy holding my book but two of his friends grab me and hold me back I watching as they open up the most intimate workings of my life I having sketches in the book from when I was in middle school. I squirm against the rough hold on me when the bully looks at me with a smirk. "You know I think this belongs in the trash." My eyes widen and I fight against the two boys holding me begging in a panicked and broken voice. "Don't! Please don't!" He grins and goes over to a trash bin before slamming my book into the bin. Then he grabs his friends drink and dumps it all out in the trash I immediately falling to my knees brokenly once I'm let go the boys laughing as they walk away. Slowly getting to my feet I make my way over to the trash bin and stare at the now completely ruined book years of my work gone. I numbly head to the cafeteria and without even bothering to get lunch I take a seat by myself before taking my glasses off then I slam my head down against the table my ears flat against my head in a sad way. I suddenly hear a chair scraping against the floor and mutter in a broken voice. "Whoever you are go away because I'm honestly not in the mood." I hear a tray being set down on the table across from me before I hear a deep voice. "Someone's grumpy." I slowly raise my head putting my glasses back on I seeing Seojun and try to blink away tears. "Considering the most important thing in my life was just destroyed then yeah I have a reason to be grumpy and upset." He frowns slightly I actually seeing a flash of concern in his eyes. "What happened?" I whimper and say pitifully my voice breaking. "Those bullies stole my sketchbook and destroyed it. They threw it in the trash and dumped soda all over it. I've had that book since middle school my parents actually bought it for me the day I started middle school. And all because I'm seen as a freak for being a hybrid." I then set my glasses aside and slam my head back down on the table muttering. "Please just leave me alone." It's quiet for a moment before I hear his chair scraping across the floor and footsteps. Feeling completely broken I slowly get up putting my glasses back on and start to make my way to my next class only to hear a commotion I looking confused when I see a crowd blocking my way. A little curious when I hear a loud noise from the front of the crowd I cautiously make my way to the front only to immediately be shocked when I see Seojun fighting with the bullies who destroyed my book. I immediately frown when I see it's three against one but Seojun seems to be holding his own against them. Seeing a fourth guy sneaking up behind Seojun though I instinctively rush forward before he can grab Seojun and I growl before kicking my leg out I managing to hit his vulnerable area he immediately falling to the ground with a cry. I immediately realize what I just did and I'm a little shocked that I just hurt someone. I feel Seojun's eyes on me when the bell suddenly rings the crowd thankfully starting to disperse. I then slowly turn to Seojun chewing on my lip nervously as my ears flatten against my head before I mumble softly. "We better head to class." I then start speed walking away keeping my head down I going to my desk staying lost in thought throughout class.

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