Ch 8

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*Monday morning*

Waking up Monday I quickly get my uniform on and head to school a little excited because Seojun offered for us to hang out after school today. Skipping through the school gates I look around for Seojun when I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder I immediately turning around with a smile expecting to see Seojun but am completely taken aback when instead I see my friend from America I adjusting my glasses to make sure I'm not seeing things. "Thomas? What are you doing here?" He grins down at me. "Hey pup. There was a foreign exchange student opportunity to come to South Korea so I immediately signed up so I could come see you. Me and the others miss you back in America." I blink in surprise then give him a bright smile. "I miss you guys too." Suddenly I hear someone clear their throat and I turn my head immediately becoming sunny and cheerful my tail wagging. "Seojun! This is a friend of mine named Thomas. He just got here from a foreign exchange opportunity." He seems to look Thomas over his face blank and intimidating before he turns to me. "We should probably head to class." I give him a little sheepish smile. "You go on ahead I'm going to show Thomas the office and to his class." He stares at me as I grab onto Thomas's hand and start dragging him into the school we heading to the front office where Thomas gets his schedule and everything. I grab his schedule and look it over curiously immediately becoming excited. "You're in class 2-5 with me and Seojun! Come on let's go!" I lead him to the classroom where I let go to go to my seat beside Seojun he seeming to have an annoyed glare on his face. Frowning slightly I go to ask him what's wrong when the teacher comes in he having Thomas introduce himself then has him take a seat in the back. I pay attention to the lesson until it's time to head to art I getting up and lead Seojun and Thomas out into the hall when a girl from my art class named Nari approaches me. "Hey art's cancelled for the day so we have a free period." I blink before thanking her then turn to Thomas. "I think your gym class is outside today so follow us and we'll show you where to go." Before Seojun can protest I grab onto his hand and motion for Thomas to follow us. "Come on let's go." I gently start dragging Seojun outside Thomas following and we head over to the field where I point out where to go for Thomas he immediately grinning down at me and pets my ears affectionately. "Thanks pup." I watch him leave then turn to Seojun only to blush when I see I'm still holding Seojun's hand quickly letting go. "Sorry. Do you wanna walk around the track together since we both have a free period?" He shrugs but agrees and we start walking and chatting. "I can't believe Thomas is actually here. I missed him a lot along with my other friends." Seojun's quiet before he speaks up. "Why does he call you pup?" I blink a little and shrug. "It's just a nickname he uses for me. He's called me that from the moment we met and it's just stuck." He slowly nods and I change the subject. "So what are we going to do after school? I'm excited to hang out." A little smile crosses his face and he goes to say something when suddenly I hear a yell and a hard force slams into the back of my head making me fall forward and go crashing to the ground my vision blurring for a moment. Grimacing a little I slowly sit up and grab my glasses they thankfully not broken and I put them on Seojun hovering over me worriedly. "You alright Eli?" I give a little nod holding my head when Thomas rushes over looking concerned. "Oh god Eli I'm so sorry I must've kicked at a wrong angle or something." I go to say it's okay when Seojun speaks up angrily. "You sure you didn't do it on purpose? How do you miss that badly? Because we weren't even near the goals." I see Thomas glaring at Seojun angrily. "It was an accident! I'd never hurt Eli on purpose!" Seojun gives him a dark glare. "Well there's something off about your whole kicked at a wrong angle excuse." Before the fight can turn physical I speak up firmly. "Enough!" I grab my things and try to get up only to immediately get dizzy and get a sharp headache I immediately starting to fall with a yelp when Seojun quickly grabs ahold of me and makes sure I'm supported. Thomas immediately gives me a concerned look. "Here Eli let me take you to the nurse." I go to say something when I let out a squeak my ears flattening against my head as I'm suddenly scooped up into Seojun's strong arms bridal style he saying firmly. "I'm taking him go back to class." Thomas immediately goes to protest when I give him a reassuring smile. "Go back to class. I'll be fine." He frowns but reluctantly storms off back to the field and Seojun starts carrying me off my bag hanging on his shoulder I grimacing slightly at the throb in my head. "Are you sure you're okay?" I look up at Seojun and give a reassuring smile my ears twitching. "Yeah I just have a headache. But other than that I'm fine." He frowns slightly as he carries me through the halls. "I still can't believe that he hit you in the head with a soccer ball." I immediately say softly sticking up for Thomas. "He said he didn't mean to do it maybe he got distracted by something and kicked wrong." Seojun raises an eyebrow at me as he carries me into the nurses office she immediately looking concerned when I'm set on the bed. "Oh my what happened?" I immediately look a little sheepish. "I was hit in the head by a stray ball." She frowns and starts checking the bump on the back of my head. "Well I think you have a concussion. I suggest you take it easy and be monitored by someone." I frown slightly at that. "My parents aren't home though and my brothers on a field trip." The nurse goes to say something when Seojun speaks up. "I'll take care of him." The nurse nods saying softly. "I'll inform the principal and have you both excused for the day." Seojun nods and before I can protest he's scooping me up into his strong arms again making me squeak in surprise and cling onto him. He thanks the nurse and starts carrying me to the parking lot to his motorcycle. "You really don't have to do this. I'll be fine going back to class." Seojun looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "You have a head injury you're not going back to class." I pout as he stops at his bike he setting me down and helps me onto the bike he putting the helmet on me after helping put my glasses away and secures my bag gently fastening the helmet after making sure it won't bother my ears. He then gets on in front of me and I put my arms around him as we start driving off to my house. Once we reach it I go to climb off but Seojun already has his helmet off and gets off then helps me take the helmet off and picks me up again after I dig out my glasses. He carries me to the front door of my house and I use my key to open the door. Once the doors opened I'm carried inside and up the stairs to my room where I'm laid down on my bed and he takes my shoes off then sets my bag aside I giving him an appreciative look. "You didn't have to do all this but thanks for looking after me. I know it probably ruined our hang out plans." He shrugs. "It's fine. We still at least get to hang out." I feel my cheeks tint a slight pink. "Yeah that's true. You wanna watch a movie?" He nods and I grab the remote choosing a romance movie then pat the spot beside me on the bed he slipping off his shoes then sits beside me. We watch the movie together our shoulders touching and I soon start getting sleepy until I fall asleep with my head on Seojun's shoulder.

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