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He was standing in a back alley. It was pouring rain, lightning flashed, and thunder boomed. A blue-haired draco kneeled in front of him, blood pouring from her wounds. His opponent was defeated, he wanted to drive his sword through the draco's heart. But he didn't. Keeping her alive would cause her the most pain.

"I never went to any academy, yet I conquered almost all of Terra. So many bow down to me. You try to be the heroes, marching through cities like knights in shining armor. Yet all you do is slaughter the infected. People who don't even know how to defend themselves, and you call them threats to society. All of you are cowards, incompetents. Liars."
"You killed her the same way. The last thing that kept me sane in this goddamned world. She wasn't kidnapped like your sister. She's dead. And you were the one that killed her."

The Draco coughed, spitting blood from her mouth.
"I've killed lots. You should be a little more specific."

Those words snapped his second-to-last nerve.
'No,' He stopped himself as he almost reached for his sword when an idea came to him.

"Perhaps if I told you." He said, a maniacal smile flickering across his face. Reaching down, he grabbed the Draco by the neck and lifted her off her feet with one hand. "Your sister. Talulah, was that her name?"

The draco's eyes widened. Choking, she struggled as he tightened his grip.

"Seems I've hit a nerve. Shame. The next time you see her, her head might be a decoration on a certain someone's wall. Her screams of agony were quite nice. For a possessed woman, she was quite in control of herself."

The Draco struggled, her face turning red.

"Consider this mercy." He said. Tossing her into a wall, the force of the impact crumbling the brick wall behind her. The Draco slides to the ground like a ragdoll.

"Go," He stands over the Draco's half-conscious body. "Tell Kal'tsit. It's my turn."


Foreshadowing :)

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